Sunday, February 24, 2013

Prophet's Prey

Prophet's Prey: My Seven-Year Investigation into Warren Jeffs and the Fundamentalist Church of Latter-Day SaintsProphet's Prey: My Seven-Year Investigation into Warren Jeffs and the Fundamentalist Church of Latter-Day Saints by Sam Brower

I HATE to start a book and not finish it. It really bothers me. But I’m afraid I can’t finish this one. I read a few chapters, but hate how it makes me feel. It is the story of a cult and of a very evil man- Warren Jeffs, their so-called prophet. I think I maybe could stand to read the sordid details if I thought the story was over. . . If I thought Warren Jeffs was behind bars and could never hurt or wrong or destroy people again. But nearly every week there’s more in the news about him and his cult and how he continues, much like Manson did (does?), to control them from his jail cell. It is just sickening that someone so evil can continue his mind control and evil ways in the name of God.
I am grateful to the author, Sam Brower, who was able to do what very few have been able or willing to do before: infiltrate the cult and really find out the truth. I appreciate his perseverance. I’m sure the work didn’t pay him for his efforts. I hope this book does. He was instrumental in putting this evil man behind bars. That’s good. But I wish the law allowed that Jeffs be silenced and that innocent people- especially children- could be rescued from his evil grasp.
I’ve read books about Hitler (way too many), Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung and other evil men. There are lists of the most evil people that have ever lived. There’s even a Discovery Channel series called Discovery’s Most Evil. Who belongs on that list is debatable, but I think Warren Jeffs belongs there. He may not have the huge influence or killed thousands like others on the list, but he has sadistically destroyed the lives of hundreds of innocent people and preyed upon innocent children. Even the bible says the most evil are those who offend children, so I don’t think I’m far wrong. Though I don’t want to endure the dark feeling I have when I read this book, I’m glad it was written and that there are those who care enough to try to make a difference. Maybe doing so will prevent another Jonestown. As my dad would say, “At least let us hope so.”

View all my reviews


Joan Morris said...

Sounds interesting. I don't blame you for not wanting to finish it.

Pam said...

I'm with you on your thoughts about this subject matter!