Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Duck

It's fun to finally be the keepers of the duck at our house. The Gabrielsen Family - my side- has an annual (recently changed to bi-annual) golf tournament called "The Gabrielsen Open."  It started in 1986.  My mom bought this duck to serve as the tournament's pass around trophy.  Last summer, Ken won it for the first time, so it's at our house.  It doesn't fit our decor very well. but I still proudly display it in our home.   It has more meaning to me than a duck, or a golf tournament.  It lists all the men in my family- since all have won it- some several times.  That list includes my Dad who won it in 1991.  That's special to me.  
Hal giving his "What the duck means to me" speech at the last reunion.

Hal relinquishing the duck to Ken.

Ken giving his "I don't deserve the duck" speech.

Congratulations, Ken!

.P.S. He's gonna hate this post.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Well deserved, Ken! According to Roger, Ken has gotten to be a better and better golfer; at least his game is going the right direction, right?
And what that silly-looking duck represents is hours and hours and occasion upon occasion of camaraderie and sporting-good fun those wonderful men in our lives have enjoyed!
Long live the duck!