Thursday, December 13, 2012

"Quiet! I Need to Toot!"

 I have a problem.  I rename things.  I don't know why I do it, but I give things new names (I do the same with people, but that's another story for another day.)  For instance, I call this:
My kids grew up thinking that was it's real name.  I've always called it the puncher. 
 I call this:

Just seems like that should be it's name to me. 
 And I call this:

I lead a women's singing group called "Keynotes"   The other day at rehearsal, I had a bit of a problem with my renaming. ( I'll bet you can see where this is going. )  Everyone was chatting and it was time for us to start singing one of our acapella numbers- so time for me to give the pitch.  I shouted out, "Quiet!  I need to toot!"  It got quiet alright!

I think, from now on, I'm calling it a pitchpipe.


Joan Morris said...

What a cute story. I can just hear you saying that. You reminded me of Aline saying "If you smell gas, it's me!"

Ami said...

That's funny. My dad calls the remote control, "the clicker.". Must be something hereditary in the renaming thing. :-)

Kristen Mackrory said...

I'm totally laughing out loud even though you already told it to me on the phone. Hilarious. You did a great job capturing it in words.

Kristen Mackrory said...

I think I'm missing you all! I just went to all three blogs and there was nothing new. Not that I have a right to say anything about that. I just needed a little family fix. :) Hope you are having fun!

Pal & Hatty said...

Love that story! You are a great storyteller!

Pam said...

This is a great story! And you must be a great tooter, because the Keynotes are amazing!