Friday, April 20, 2012

Just Keep Swimming

I just keep hearing new phrases that could be adopted as mantras. When you're looking for them; they're everywhere. I'm always pulling out my notebook and jotting a new one down-- from talks or lessons at church- just things people say in comments in classes at church, on T.V., in movies, . . .. Mantras are everywhere! I've got blogging fodder for months to come!
Before I started really delving into mantras, if someone had asked what my mantra was, I'd have said one of two. I'll save the other for later, but one of them is "Just Keep Swimming," of course, adopted from that delightful movie,"Finding Nemo." That little phrase helps me so much to keep going when I'm tired and discouraged. It's so what I need. Whether I'm trying to get the dishes done, or the laundry, or write a script, or finish a list of errands, or am actually swimming (I do that!), I find myself repeating this to myself. Life is hard. We have to go through hard things sometimes. Those around us go through hard times, too. This is a great little phrase to share with someone who's struggling. It gets me through the tired, tough times. There's a lot of power in just keeping at something. Just keep keeping on! Oh wait, that would be another possible mantra! But it's all the same message. Just don't give up. Keep at it, and pretty soon it's done and you win! I find repeating to myself,"just keep swimming"very motivational.


Ami said...

Thank you for this post! Yes! Even the best parts of life are hard (like dealing with 2 year olds, and midnight feedings for newborns!). This is such a nice message. Can't wait to hear your other mantra!

Crystal said...

I LOVE that you posted this! The funny thing is finding nemo is Autumn's favorite movie of all time, I turn it on while I"m nursing to keep her happy! I know that I needed to hear this too! I really hope you guys are doing great!

Joan Morris said...

I love it! I use this one a lot too! Another good one "We can do hard things."

Carina said...

This is a great mantra :)

Jessica said...

Love this mantra and may adopt is as my own! Thanks for sharing all your thoughts.

Shonna said...

I love it too! Now when are you going to post the other one? I guess I can stick w/ this one for now as it's very applicable for me for the next couple of months.

Kristen Mackrory said...

I love this study that you are doing that fits right in with your Sociology minor. A little glimpse into another thing that my mother enjoys studying and learning.

I love that mantra and I love knowing it is one of yours. I need to start chanting it to myself to get off this chair and make dinner. I am extra tired today. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming just keep sw...