Friday, August 12, 2011

We Kamalu-ed!

We have a nice retired couple- the Kamalu's- in our ward that have a cute tradition. Each Saturday night, she sets out his clothes for the next day. She chooses his clothes so that they will match what she plans to wear to church. If she is wearing a purple dress or blouse, he wears a purple tie. If she is wearing something red, his tie is red. He even has a green sport coat for the day she wears green. It's fun to see what they're wearing and how they match. Ken commented to Rod, the husband, about it one Sunday. He explained that if he gets in the wrong color, she says, "Uh uh!" and he has to go back and change. He's from Hawaii and she's from Germany, so that kind of explains it.
So, anytime Ken and I accidentally match (I'm not organized enough to plan it,) we say, "Hey! We Kamalu-ed!" Here's a couple of pictures we took when it happened. Well, actually Kristen took the first one when she was here last spring. We met Ken for dinner and discovered we'd Kamalu-ed. The second one was just last week.
So now, next time you match with someone you can exclaim, "Hey! We Kamalu-ed!"


Michelle said...

I love it. You guys look super cute Kamalu-style.

Joan Morris said...

Cute pictures. You showed me the kamalu's when I was visiting your wars last spring. They are a cute couple, just like you.

Pam said...

You two are adorable! I think it's kind of fun to be matchy matchy with your husband, You both look so happy!

Kristen Mackrory said...

Such a cute post. I like it when you Kamalu. Have you shown this post to them? You should. :)