Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My Favorite Things: Fiestaware

I know I've told you before about my love for fiestaware. I love, love, love these dishes. I've had some of them (the red, orange and yellow) for several years and added the other colors last Christmas. There really is no difference between the older and the newer in appearance. The older show no sign of wear. I've only had one piece break. And yet, there is no lead in them. But what I like most is they are gorgeous. Every single day the beautiful colors make me very happy. As you can see, my dish cupboard is full to the brim, which is a shame because if there were more room, I'd want to keep buying more and more of these beauties. My favorite color, you ask? I've pondered this question way more than I should. I vacillate between the apple green, the red, and the purple. Can't choose. Which do you like best? I love Fiestaware.


Pam said...

It's got to be APPLE GREEN! Are you surprised? Isn't it neat how aesthetic beauty brings such pleasure to our everyday lives? I think Heavenly Father wants us to experience the pleasure of beauty to balance the trials and not so pretty things we have to experience.

Ming said...

Oh man, I was hoping to comment before my mom did, because I was going to say that she will say Apple Green! Now it just looks like I'm cheating. :) My favorite is the blue. They are all so fun though. I love pretty dishes too. They make me happy!

Ming said...

PS Okay since I couldn't guess my mom I'm guessing what Joan will say...I bet she says blue.

James and Tricia Thomas said...

I bet my mom will say blue too! I love all the fun colors you have and if you lose one no one will ever know!

Joan Morris said...

How did you guess mindy? I actually was going to say peacock which is the turquoise blue color. I have the cobalt and peacock and now I want to add more fun colors.

Ada said...

I love Fiestaware, too! I thought I liked the red the best, but Melanie just asked me this morning why I choose the apple green more than all the rest. . .:) But in my mind, I try to be fair to them all!

Jessica said...

Mine would have to be a tie between blue and apple green. I just love your collection!

Pal & Hatty said...

Tricia is right - blue has to be the winner! i love blue and white dishes - they make me happy! We inherited mom's love for pretty crystal and pretty dishes - we all need things that make us happy when we look at them!

Pal & Hatty said...

Yea! I was finally able to register my comment! Thanks Kay - whatever you did fixed it!

sara cardon said...

Love your dishes!! It is making me regret my boring white stoneware.:) I pick red, but they're all cute. They don't make pink do they? Lucy would definitely like pink dishes.

Carina said...

I love your fiesta ware! They are so fun and playful. I think my favorite would have to be red :)

Kristen Mackrory said...

Okay. I love this discussion and everyone's comments...especially Ada's. I am glad that she is "fair to them all," but chooses green the most. Thank you for bringing a smile to my face with the picture, the post, and all the happy comments from people that I love. I choose blue and purple.