Thursday, November 11, 2010

Flattered . . . or Offended?

Today, I had a great workout at the pool. Entering the pool at the same time as me was Paul (though I didn't know his name until later.) I've seen him there before, but haven't paid much attention. He chose the lane two over from me. Game on. You may remember an earlier post I did about how I motivate myself when swimming laps. I choose someone to "race," though they have no idea they are in a competition. Paul was probably ten years older than me, but he looked pretty athletic. I thought, "I can take this guy." So, we started swimming. I actually gained on him a little each lap. We were pretty even, but between you and me- I cleaned his clock. I was exhausted and sucking wind, but I pretty much creamed the guy. Paul swam for exactly one hour. I kept going for another half hour (but I take breaks and walk and work with water weights at times.) Paul got in the hot tub. He seemed to be hanging around. He got out of the hot tub and sat in a chair while I finished my workout. I had the distinct feeling he was waiting for me. Sure enough, as I got out of the pool he came over and said, "May I ask you a question?" "Sure." "I noticed as we swam that you have a good breast stroke. I'm guessing that you used to be pretty athletic?" I think he wanted me to say I used to be an Olympic swimmer or something. The "used to be" got to me. Let's face it, it's still getting to me. I guess I don't look very athletic these days. But I could tell he was impressed. He asked me my name, told me his and, as I left, said, "See you tomorrow." I'm sure he has high hopes, but no way, Paul. You're going down tomorrow (if you're there when I am), too . . and the next day, and the next. I've found my victim. Victory is sweet! I'm still a swimming fool. So what do you think, should I be flattered or offended?


Michelle said...

You'd better watch out, Paul. You're goin' down. I've seen my mom when she puts her mind to something.

Kristen Mackrory said...

FLATTERED! definitely. Way to go Mom. Way to take him down.

Shonna said...

Flattered-hands down! LOL!!! Both Blake and I thought this post to be pretty hilarious. You totally creamed him; great work! Can't wait to hear about the next victim if Paul's not there.

Ami said...

You're my hero! And I totally want to take swimming lessons from you. FLATTERED.

Ming said...

100% Flattered! I didn't know you were such a natural swimmer. That must be where Missy gets it. Way to go!

sara cardon said...

I think the guy had good intentions, despite it being a bit of an off-handed compliment.:) I love that you dubbed him your "victim," that's the competitive spirit I love!! Get him!!

Pam said...

Hey, I'd take the "pretty good athlete" comment directed at me, no matter what qualifying words were included with it! I don't think I've ever heard those words! Way to be a super swimmer!

Joan Morris said...

I'll be anxious to follow this story and see if you and Paul develop a heated rivalry :) You should definitely feel flattered. Besides being a great swimmer, you were an MVP of the Caldwell 3rd ward YW softball team.

Pal & Hatty said...

Go Kay! You are an awesome swimmer! I love your blogs and I missed reading them while we were away.

James and Tricia Thomas said...

Flattered!!! The guys just got 'owned' by a girl so he had to say some 'smart' comment!