Thursday, November 18, 2010

April, 2010 Conference Report

I finished studying the April, 2010 conference report last week. Each conference, I read, then study the talks and tally the references made to the scriptures, quotes of apostles, hymns, and literature. For a more complete explanation, see my post of Conference report of October, 2009.
Here are the tally results of this conference: Speakers in this conference referenced or quoted:
The New Testament: 131 times
The Book of Mormon: 127 times
The D & C: 116 times
Apostles: 75 times
Pearl of Great Price: 75 times
The Old Testament: 58 times
Other works of Literature: 20 times
Hymns: 9 times
For the first time since I've been doing this, the New Testament was quoted more than The Book of Mormon. Usually the Book of Mormon is the most oft-quoted, sometimes by far.
There is a great new feature in this conference issue of the Ensign- at least for me, who loves this kind of thing. There is a list of the most used scriptural references in this conference. I've wanted to know that, but since I'm not a computer, the task of finding out was too daunting. It is just a list. So, I went through each talk and tallied how many times each of those references were used. Here's the results:
The most oft-quoted scripture in this conference was Joshua 1:9.
9 Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the aLord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.
This is a slightly skewed result in that this conference issue contained the report from the Young Women's General Meeting. This scripture is the Young Women theme for this year, so it was quoted a lot- six times, to be exact.
The second most oft-quoted scripture was the one, I understand that is the most oft-quoted in all conferences: Moses 1:39
39 For behold, this is my awork and my bglory—to bring to pass the cimmortality and deternal elife of man.
I believe that there is a message to us that this is most quoted. Think of the message of this scripture. I believe it contains the very purpose of General Conference.
Actually, this one tied with Mosiah 18: 9
9 Yea, and are awilling to mourn with those that bmourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as cwitnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the dfirst resurrection, that ye may have eternal life—
Next are several that were quoted three times each:
John 14: 6
John 14: 27
2 Nephi 2:11
Helaman 5:12
D&C 13
D&C 19:16
My unofficial , non-computer results indicate that the chapter of scripture most quoted from in this conference was John 14 (quoted 8 times.) There is a message there, I believe. If I had to choose my favorite chapter in the scriptures, it would be John 14. It's power packed. In Brother Andersen's talk, he challenged us to read the Book of John. That is the second time that I remember such a challenge being given in conference. Maybe we should read the book of John?
In my opinion, maybe the most "Aha!" talk was the one given by Dallin H. Oaks in the General Priesthood session. His talk was on giving priesthood blessings and contained much information on healing blessings.
For parents wondering what to teach for Family Home Evening, there is one talk that I highly recommend. That is Elder Neil L. Andersen's talk, "Tell Me the Stories of Jesus." He says, "We hold in our arms the rising generation. They come to this earth with important responsibilities and great spiritual capacities. We cannot be causal in how we prepare them."
He then admonishes us to teach our children the stories of Jesus: "The stories of Jesus can be like a rushing wind across the embers of faith in the hearts of our children. . . Are the life and teachings of Jesus Christ embedded in the minds and souls of our children? Do they think about the Savior's life when they wonder what to do in their own lives?" He says, "My counsel is to speak more frequently about Jesus Christ."
Here's the good part: Using his references to the stories of Jesus found at the end of the talk, you have your FHE's planned for the next umpteen weeks. Just teach a story of Jesus each week, using the church's picture library. He has them all referenced; so easy.
I love how Elder Andersen testifies of General Conference, "The Lord's way of course , is always the best way. He takes the individual prayerful efforts of each speaker and orchestrates a spiritual symphony full of revelation and power. Repeated themes, principle building upon principle, prophetic warnings, uplifting promises- the divine harmony is a miracle! I testify that in this conference we have heard and felt the mind and will of the Lord."
Why do I spend so much of my study time in the study of conference talks? I believe the words we hear (and read and study) are scripture (see D&C 68:2-4) They are revelation from God to help us. They truly are a spiritual symphony. I believe we are responsible for what is taught in Conference. I am a Conference Junkie. Amen.


Michelle said...

This is so inspiring! I guess I'll read John! These results are so interesting. I printed out your list and plan on looking up all of the scriptures that were most oft quoted.

Joan Morris said...

Thanks for doing all your research. I look forward to your General Conference study in a nutshell.

Kelly M said...

You are amazing. How fun to be a General Conference junkie!