Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Maybe Next Time"

Yesterday was Nathan's 3rd birthday- so I was thinking about him all day long. How I love this precious, little, bug loving guy. He is a character. I just have to tell you my current favorite Nathan story:
The last time they came to visit here, they arrived late at night. Nathan headed immediately(after hugs- he always has a hug for his grandma and grandpa) for our toy closet, where he found his favorite bucket of blocks. He dumped them on the dining room floor and started playing. Soon thereafter Ken called for family prayer and we all gathered around where Nathan was playing and had prayer. After the prayer, Nathan announced, "I didn't pray. I played with blocks." Then a slight pause, "Maybe next time."


sara cardon said...

I can't believe he's that big already! The last time I saw him was at Shonna's wedding and he'd just been born. He is a handsome little man!

Pam said...

He is so very cute, Kay! Your grandkids are each one adorable! Can you believe how much you love them? It seems weird that we ever didn't have them in our lives.

Michelle said...

Too funny. Good story, Mom. Nathan and his "maybe next times." AdOrAbLe.

Shonna said...

LOL! Love that story. He is a character. When we called him on his birthday he just kept telling me about his scooter and his hot dogs. Such a fun boy.

Jessica said...

What a cute story! Well at least you can say he's honest!