Sunday, June 6, 2010

Words of a Prophet

Here it is again. Each conference, I make a list of everything the prophet specifically asks us to do in his talks. I then post it on my fridge and it really does help me remember and check myself. Here it is from April, 2010, in case you're interested:
What Did the Prophet Ask Us To Do?
Saturday Morning Session:
1. Reach out to new converts or those making their way back into the church- surround them with love.
2. Attend the temple faithfully
Priesthood Session:
1. Prepare for a mission and temple marriage
2. Date only those with high standards
3. Go to places where there is a good environment
4. Dress appropriately
5. Avoid extremes in clothing and appearance, including tattoos and piercings
6. Treat everyone with kindness and dignity
7. Be honest
8. Use language to uplift and build those around you
9. Avoid pornography at all costs
10. Don't be afraid to walk out of a movie, turn off a television set, or change a radio station if what's being presented does not meet your Heavenly Father's standards.
11. Keep your body clean and pure
12. Don't listen to unworthy music
13. Treat your date with respect
14. Fill your minds with good thoughts
15. Be ye clean
16. Pray
17. Keep the commandments
18. Selfless service
Sunday Afternoon Session:
1. Study conference messages, ponder their teachings, apply them to your life


Joan Morris said...

Thanks for doing this. I always print out your list and put it on my fridge too :)

sara cardon said...

What a great idea! This really is a great visual reminder of how to apply all the great teachings from Conference--particularly the prophet's--to our lives. I think the only one I'm doing well so far is not getting any tattoos.:)

Ming said...

I love having this in list form! Thanks for posting this. Such great reminders. :)

Pal & Hatty said...

This is such a good idea! The older I get, the more my memory fades and this is such a good way to be reminded of what is most important!

Michelle said...

Great idea, Mom. Good idea to post it!

Kristen Mackrory said...

I SO appreciate you always putting it together. I wish I had a printer to print it out on. I'm sure I'll find a solution somewhere!