Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Two Miracles!

In October, I posted about how I killed my Dad's shamrock plant. It was gone, kaput! In a comment on that blog, Shonna encouraged me to not throw the plant away- give it a chance. "Plants want to live, Mom" she told me. So, I kept the dirt and pretty much ignored it. When she was home at Christmas, Shonna does what she always does- cleans up and inspects my plants (For months before I was telling the plants, "Don't worry, Shonna is coming for Christmas; she'll take care of you.") In her inspection, she discovered that the shamrock had four little leaves coming up. You can see it's even more now. It's a miracle! AAAAAHHHHHH! (sing that high and with much vibrato- it's the angels singing) Then my "Eyeore Post" last week told of losing my pearl earring. It troubled me all week. On Friday night, as Ken and I were driving to go out to dinner, I brought it up (AGAIN!) He made the comment, "I think it's either under something or in something." That got me thinking. "In something . . . hmmmmmm" The first thing I did (well, second, first I put my leftovers in the fridge) when we got home was go check "in" my shoes. Nope. Then I remembered what I had on, my new orange sweater. It is new, so I didn't even realize it had pockets, but, sure enough, it does, and yep, that's where my earring was, in one of the pockets. When it dropped, I dropped another earring at the same time- that's what I heard drop. I picked it up immediately, and just assumed the other went to the floor, too. I'd make a terrible referee or eye witness to a crime- I have a hard time reconstructing in my mind what just happened. Anyway, I'm so very happy! Two miracles! The moral of the story: If you have something troubling you, blog about it. Heavenly Father must read these posts, and He fixes stuff. Amen.


Shonna said...

I love your miracle stories!!! Go Shamrock! Go pearl earring! What a happy post. (Mom, I finally posted something, check it out.)

Joan Morris said...

I'm so happy to hear of your miracles!There's got to be a gospel analogy in there somewhere. Dad would be so proud to know the shamrock lives on.

Kristen Mackrory said...

Happy! Happy! Happy! I'll have Jared do the happy dance when he gets home! Your chocolate pearl earring has now been returned to its home! And way to go Shonna on saving the shamrock! She definitely has a green thumb for plants as well as children!

Brian said...


Michelle said...

Good news! You should make an announcement in Relief Society.

Natalie Sue said...

Amen! I'm so glad you found your earring! And that your shamrock plant is still alive. I bet they were also happy to know Shonna was coming home.

Carina said...

I love finding things and making stuff work with Heavenly Father's help. Each "miracle" makes me smile every time.