Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy Hinton Holidays!

We had such a happy time with family over the holidays! Lu(Kristen) and Jar arrived first, on Thursday. Friday, Jared tended all day so Kristen and I could have a fun day together-thanks, Jar! We did Sub For Santa shopping, went to lunch, and attended a Keynote rehearsal. On Saturday, Jared and Ken spent the day with Don and Darren on the Zion Bird Count. Kristen and I had fun wrapping and delivering Sub For Santa and attending the ward Christmas party with the kids on Saturday morning. Brielle was a sheep in the nativity play there, and the kids got to visit with Santa. Michelle and Brian arrived that night (in the middle of the BYU game) and announced that they will be having a baby in June by wearing tell-tale t-shirts. (We already knew, but were sworn to secrecy) We are so excited to have a baby Prince!!! Sunday was a big day with the ward Christmas program (thanks Lu, Ken and Brian for joining the choir)that I led and then my Keynote concert at the St. George tabernacle that night. Michelle and Brian sang a number for that, too. It was beautiful. Monday was the huge Hinton family party at our house(forgot to take pictures). It was fun to see so many cousins! Then Shonna and Blake flew in from Ohio that night. Ken and Brian picked them up in Vegas, climbing in bed around 3am. Tuesday, Blake's family came through on their way to Disneyland and had lunch with us. Family pictures in the afternoon, and pizza party that night. Everyone won prizes in our Match Mate tournament. Wednesday, Christmas eve, was our big turkey dinner and our Christmas eve program and nativity that night. Blake and Brian gave me the best Christmas present ever. I took a nap after our afternoon dinner(I was up early-wrestling with a turkey), and came out to find them both on their hands and knees, scrubbing my floor! We had planned to go caroling with neighbors that evening, but it was freezing cold, windy and snowing, so we cancelled(Southern Utahans are wimps!) The Christmas pageant was so fun. Everyone is so creative (thanks Jared for the great donkey costume!) Brian was a little sad that he didn't get to throw aluminum foil balls at Samuel the Lamanite. . . maybe next time. After kids were in bed, and Santa had done his job, the adults watched "It's a Wonderful Life!" Other than snippets on TV, none of us had ever seen it all the way through! Great movie! Christmas was the best. Santa found our house and was way too generous. Brian and Blake both enjoyed conference calls with their missionary brothers. Kristen, Jared, and Nathan left in the afternoon to fly out to attend Jared's brother's wedding in Denver(on the 26th). We enjoyed having Brielle stay with us until they returned on Sunday. Six adults/one kid - Pretty good odds! On Friday and Saturday, we shopped, had a bowling tournament, and enjoyed a beautiful hike at Snow Canyon. Sunday was another big day: Michelle, Brian, Shonna, and Blake formed a quartet and sang "Love at Home" in sacrament meeting, then Shonna was my food network assistant as I taught the RS lesson and used our famous Key Lime Pie as an object lesson. Lu and Jar got back just in time. We had dinner(Jared's favorite roast lamb with mint sauce) and sent the Camerons and Princes on their way to SLC (for Camerons to spend the week with Blake's family, and Brian to get back to work) We enjoyed the Mackrorys for the rest of the week. We shopped some more, took down Christmas (thank you SO much Lu for your help!) and shopped some more, played games and watched movies, and shopped some more. They left after Jared and Ken's New Year Day hike- a beautiful, but treacherous snow hike at Zion's National Park. Kristen's job while they were gone of packing up all the stuff to go home was nearly as treacherous! It was so fun to have everyone together for a short time. Happy Hinton Holidays!


Joan Morris said...

You Hintons know how to party! Sounds like so much fun! I wish I could have been there for the Snow Canyon picnic!(actually no picnic, just hike)

Shonna said...

We had a fabulous time, Mom! Thanks so much for the adventure in somewhat snowy St. George. ;) Love you!

James and Tricia Thomas said...

That was a very action packed Christmas!! I can't believe the snow! Congrats on your new grand baby!!!

Sarah said...

Sounds like a great time. I love your family pictures. I've never seen so many good looks in one place! Congrats on the new baby!