Thursday, January 8, 2009

This Is Good Because . . .

I had kind of a rough day yesterday. . . lots of mishaps. It started as I was getting ready for Keynotes in the morning and went to put on my chocolate pearl earrings that I got in Hawaii last summer (remember, Blake and Shonna?) I dropped one of the earrings and it went, who knows where? I heard it hit, but didn't see it, and I have no idea where it went. I was in front of my jewelry armoir when it happened. I pulled all the furniture out, checked under the bed, Daddy's dresser. Not there. But I had to leave, so left the bedroom torn apart. When I got home, I resumed my search, but still nothing. I put the dinner on (crockpot chicken- it's really good- I'll have to post the recipe) and heated leftover chicken stir fry for my lunch. I took it in to the computer room to eat so I could check my email, etc. I had a few bites when the plate slipped and dumped the whole thing all over the floor, my lap, and the computer keyboard. So now I had a huge mess to clean up and no lunch to eat. I began picking rice kernels out of the keyboard and carpet, and scrubbed and cleaned. I had to teach all afternoon, and was now really hungry and frustrated. Wednesday is my long teaching day- 7 students- and by the end, I was starving. We had a delicious chicken dinner. In cleaning up, I wanted to save the chicken stock the recipe produces. So I poured the stock in a quart bag. The bag collapsed, sending delicious stock all over the counter, under the mixer and blender, down the crack between the stove and counter. Yuck! I cleaned it all up, but couldn't get down the crack, of course. Ken checked everywhere for my earring, too, putting on his headlamp, he got under the bed and dresser, but he couldn't find it either. It is just gone. I even sorted through the garbage nearby (that was fun- gooky stuff like used dental floss and cherry chocolate juice) but it wasn't in there. So, I decided I need to play Michelle's game of "this is good because" I don't know how she started this game, but since she was in high school, maybe junior high, she's done it. Whenever she suffered disappointments, frustrations, sadness, she would say, "But this is good because . . ." and give a reason why this bad thing is good. Now, it's not really a game anymore, but who she is. I'm trying to remember examples . . . some of them have been really funny. A recent example is her being nauseous and not feeling well with her pregnancy. She's struggled, but she says, "But it's good because my book says that means the baby is growing and it will probably be a viable pregnancy." I wish I could think of other examples. . .anyway, let's play: Spilling stir fry is good because . . . I need a new keyboard, anyway, so sticking keys will help us get one faster. Spilling chicken stock where it can't be cleaned will make the kitchen stink, and we'll want to remodel and I'll get my granite counter tops! Losing my earring is good because . . . hmmmmmm . . . I'm going to need some help on this one. Melli, anyone? Don't say because we'll have to go back to Hawaii to get a new one. I don't want a new one . . . I want that one. The day wasn't all bad, though. I was teaching a brand new student- my last one- when Ken got home and brought in a beautiful arrangement of flowers for me . . . "Because it's Wednesday"


Natalie Sue said...

Is that why they say things happen in three's? Goodness. Well, I'm very glad to hear you will be getting a new keyboard, and granite countertops.
And... I'm not as good as Michelle at this game....maybe you'll have to pull up the carpet, so you can rake through it, and you will find your earring. Then you might as well get new carpet! (Although for all I know you already have fancy carpet in your room!

Thanks for your nice comments on my blog! I'll have to get Michelle to show me how Aebleskivers are REALLY made! I had no idea what I was doing!

Joan Morris said...

What a sad day, but cute story! I will have to adopt the "This is good because" attitude. I also think you should get new carpet along with your computer keyboard and countertops. Don't you just wish everything had a beeper on it, like cars and cell phones so when they are lost, you can find them?

Joan Morris said...

PS I forgot to say that I love the flowers next to the picture of Mom.

Blake said...

But this is good because it means that you have earrings to lose! Love you Mom, and I hope you find it!

Brian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michelle said...

What a SWEET husband! That is a beautiful arrangement. I'm glad that Brian read this earlier. Maybe he'll get a good idea. :) And as to the "game," I think Blake's response wins. AND you probably ended up with your whole room a bit more organized than it was before you lost your earring. At least, I can imagine that pulling everything out would be a good motivation to put it back a little nicer.

Brian just read my comment over my shoulder. He muttered under his breath something about ". . .aebleskivers. . . You can't ever please 'em."

Btw, I accidentally posted the above in Brian's name. . . That is why I deleted it. :)

Kristen Mackrory said...

What a sweet husband!! "Because it is Wednesday" flowers!! I am glad that there was at least one bright spot in an otherwise difficult day.

Ada said...

Don thought up a couple of "it's good because" options. . . One is it's good because we love good mysteries--not so compelling to either of us, actually. The next one is ...because Don has always wanted to buy a metal detector and he could buy one and let you borrow it to hunt for the little escape artist!

sara cardon said...

Hmmmmmmm. I've lost more jewelry this way than I can count, so here's my idea: Maybe this is good because once you DO find it (you will!), you'll find other missing jewelry and money you'd forgotten about along with it. A future jackpot!! Sorry about the messes though-- sounds like my life with Lucy at this point. One right after the other....

Shonna said...

I'm sorry about the bad day. I love those flowers-they're beautiful. Now tell us all about the earring--the ending to this story.

James and Tricia Thomas said...

The flowers are beautiful!! All of that was good to read because it helps us all appreciate the good days! I can't tell you how many days I have had when everything goes wrong!

Kay Hinton said...

You are so right, Blake! And . . a keyboard to spill stuff on, and a counter top and good food to eat. I'm feeling guilty for even worrying about "stuff" I just read D. Todd Christofferson's talk about Zion at the last conference, and I'm feeling very guilty for caring about stuff instead of feeding the poor. You guys talk amongst yourselves, I need to go repent.