Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mini Miracle

Okay, I know, enough with the miracles. Maybe it's like Pres. Eyering says, when you look for them you see them more. But I have to share one more: It's no secret that cleaning out stuff: drawers, closets, cupboards . .. is not my favorite vegetable. I think it's all the decision-making- just drives me crazy. But I've set a goal to do one a week, and I've been pretty faithful for the last few months. I've dreaded doing my "sock" drawer though. It was a mess- so stuffed I could barely open and close it. But, finally last week, in a fit of I'm going to do this or else, I dumped it on my bed and started sorting. The problem is that there is a lot in there besides socks. It's my "I don't want to throw it away, so stick it in here" drawer. I found all kinds of stuff, including gifts I bought for my daughters in Austria 1 1/2 years ago(you have that to look forward to ladies! Do I sound like my mother?) and sweet notes from people. Among those, was a sweet thank you note I received from Jill, a gal that I used to visit teach when we first moved here about 23 years ago. Though neither of us has moved, and only live about a mile away from each other, I literally never see her. I'll bet it's been ten years. We got split into different wards years ago. It's one of those different ward/different planet examples. But, out of the blue, about six or so months ago, she went to get her temple recommend interview from Ken and brought with her a note for me. Ken brought it home. It was a thank you note for my service to her as a visiting teacher all those years ago. She claimed that my partner and I filled her freezer with meals after she had her baby boy who just turned 23. I honestly have no memory of that, but I do remember enjoying visiting her. It was one of those sweet, blast from the pasters that make you feel so happy. I should have called her and thanked her, but didn't. I must have stuck the note in never-never land drawer and forgot about it. Really, forgot about it. I'm not sure even seeing her would have triggered the memory- the way my mind doesn't work these days. Last night, I was exhausted (Wednesdays are big days) but I felt compelled to attend a stake RS enrichment on using food storage. When I think about it, it's really funny that I would want to go. I'm sort of out of the use your food storage phase of life, I was tired, AND American Idol was on, AND I'd spilled on my shirt so that meant I had to change . . .well, anyway, I got in the car and went. The first person I saw when I walked in was Jill. And the first thing I could say to her was "Thank you for that sweet note," and express to her what it meant to me. We reconnected and reminisced and it was sweet. Coincidence that I'd clean that particular drawer right now and attend that class? Maybe . . . but I choose to call it a "Mini Miracle."


sara cardon said...

Wow!! What an inspirational blog-fest about miracles. I especially liked the part about Heavenly Father reading our blogs and fixing stuff.:) I knew you'd find that earring!!

Joan Morris said...

What a sweet story. I love your stories! I agree, when we look for "tender mercies/miracles" we see them all around us! Why don't you come to Boise and help me clean out all my drawers and then I'll come to St. George and help you clean out all your drawers?? Sounds like a party.

Kristen Mackrory said...

That really is a sweet story. Another of the tender mercies that God gives to us. I love reading your blog. I always feel uplifted. Doesn't it feel good to know that you touched someone enough through simply fulfilling your stewardship that 23 years later she would still feel enough gratitude to write you a note? Thanks for your example mom.

I really like the picture at the top of your blog. Everytime I come to your blog I think..."maybe that one is my favorite."

Natalie Sue said...

That is so neat. I believe in tender mercies and little miracles! Not just little coincidences. How neat that everything happened exactly that way!

Natalie Sue said...

Kay, guess what? I just met with my new enrichment leader and we got to talking. Somehow she mentioned that her mother-in-law was in a singing group in St George. I asked her what it was, and she said, "Keynotes!" I said, "Ah, my brother's mother-in-law is in that group!" Small world.
Her mother-in-law is Debbie Everett. Her name is Kamille-she married Matt. She said they were down there during Christmas and went to your concert. She also remembered Brian and Michelle. Very neat, huh!

Shonna said...

I love that story, thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see the beautiful Austrian earrings. ;)

Kay Hinton said...

Shonna- Who told?
Natalie- It is SUCH a small world . .. in the church! That's awesome. Yes, Debbie and I have been friends for over 25 years. We met while singing in another choir (she still sings in it.) We have much in common and have lived somewhat parallel lives. Back then, we both had long hair, wore glasses, and had and still have very similar voices. People would mistake us for sisters.(When I hear she or I recorded singing, I have a very hard time deciding who's who) We both maried our BYU home teacher, both accountants, and moved to St. George. Her and my husband are partners in different CPA firms in town. AND, we both got food poisoning eating the same soup at Olive Garden for our Christmas party this year! I kind of know Kamille and Matt, too. I attended their reception anyway. Does that count? I'm so glad you made that connection!! I'll have a good story to tell Debbie on Wednesday!

Sarah said...

You have many blog fans. I too love your merry musings.