Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mystery NOT Solved

With courage strong, I've just explored the garage in the happy light of day. Nothing seems amiss! Everything, including the golf clubs are right where they were before. Now I think I must be going crazy!


sara cardon said...

Okay, I'm sorry, but this is kind of funny (but scary too)!! I am the SAME way-- I get really paranoid about being alone at night, especially in Philly, so when Jonathan has to leave overnight I wedge the stroller right in front of the front door, so it will crash over, etc., and set other various booby traps along the way... It is very alarming though you heard a big crash. Was the garage door up?? Could an animal have been trapped in there?? I'll keep my fingers crossed....

Shonna said...

The suspense is killing me. Just kidding, I already read the outcome. And I am so glad it was only that dumb fertilizer thing in the corner. Did it scratch the paint on your car? I am very excited for you to get to be in the pool again! Yipee!