Monday, August 19, 2024



Anna (One Love, Two Stories, #1)Anna by Amanda Prowse
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I maybe should wait to write my review of this book until I finish “Theo,” Anna’s companion book, which I am listening to now. But I will go ahead and do my best. I can already see how the book Theo completes Anna and answers so many questions. It is a great illustration of the old phrase, “There are two sides to every story.”
I like Anna. I like her positive attitude in the midst of so many hardships. I like her determination and wisdom. But by the end of her story, emotions take control and she is less understanding and less likable. I truly hope that will sort itself out in Theo. I want a happily ever after ending. Stay tuned for my review of Theo.

View all my reviews

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