Monday, May 8, 2023

Mom, Watch This!

 A cute young mother in our ward gave a profound talk recently.  She has three young children and she said the words she hears most often are, "Mom, watch this!"

We all want our moms to see our accomplishments and praise us and be proud of us.

Photo Credit:  Caleb Cameron

I am so proud of Shonna.  She is a fine pianist, but has never played the organ . . .until now.  Their ward was recently split, leaving the new ward without any organists.  She was called.  The music chairman who does know how to play, but didn't want the calling, gave her one lesson and threw her in the deep end, so to speak.  She is working so hard to learn how to drive an organ and use the peddles.  I am so very proud of her.

It was my mom's fondest wish that her children  play the organ.  Joan has played in her ward for a long time and Patty played in the temple.  I am so proud of them.  I played the organ while on our mission to Japan.  Now, one of my mom's granddaughters is playing.  I am shouting, "Mom, watch this!"  I hope she can hear.  


Joan Morris said...

Whitney is also an organist. She has taken organ lessons from a BYU friend (organ performance major) for the last few years. I always feel both Mom and Dad while I play the organ.

Shonna said...

I love Joan's comment. I also really feel Grandma and Grandpa's help. I'll feel overwhelmed but when I sit down to play, some of those songs come so easily, pedals and all. I'm so grateful and don't know how they do it but they help me.