Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Antique Bed Comes Full Circle


Recently, my sister Pam contacted all of her siblings to say that Grandma Peterson's brass bed was available for anyone who wanted it and could go to Mesa, Arizona to get it.  Pam inherited it when Grandma passed away.  Her daughters grew up sleeping in it.  Then Stacy (Pam's oldest daughter) inherited it and her daughters have grown up sleeping in it.  Stacy has sold her home and is downsizing and offered the bed to anyone in the family who wants it.  I sent this picture to all of my daughters and Shonna was very interested.  She and Blake have a similar anitique bed that was Blake's great-grandmother's.  They talked about it and Blake offered to go and pick it up- a long road trip!  Shonna contacted Stacy and arranged for Blake to pick it up on Saturday.  So Blake, Hannah, and Lily had a fun road trip to get the bed.  They left Friday after work and got home on Sunday evening.  After eating dinner, Blake immediately unloaded the truck and put the bed up in Hannah's room.  

Hannah Rose is so happy with her beautiful new/old bed.

This beautiful bed was in my grandma Peterson's attic.  It fit in a little alcove up there in which it just barely fit.  Joan and I (and I think all of the grandchildren in turn) always slept in this bed every time we went to Logan to visit Grandma.  On summer nights, it was very hot in the attic.  We opened the window at the foot of the bed and waited for the "canyon breeze to come down Logan canyon" and cool that hot room so we could sleep.  We would giggle and talk and listen to the night sounds coming through the open window as we waited.
The brass was painted green then and the bed squeaked a bit.  It was very old even then.  Above it hung a spoooky picture of monks.  That picture caused a few nightmares.
 Pam said she thought the bed was Andreas and Inga's bed  (They are my great grandparents- my grandpa's parents) before it was Charles and Libby's.
All of them lived in Logan.  Shonna and Blake now live in Logan.  The bed has lived in a few states, but has come back home.  It has come full circle.  Oh, how I wish it could talk.  Think of the stories it would have to tell!


martha meyers said...

I remember that bed! But even more memorable were the hot nights in that attic, waiting, waiting, waiting for it to cool off up there.

Joan Morris said...

I didn't know Shonna ended up with the bed. That's wonderful! We do have a lot of memories up in that squeaky bed.

Shonna said...

It has come full circle! I really wish it could tell us it's stories. Wouldn't that'd be wonderful?