Monday, April 1, 2013

She Logged On

Because Ken is over family history work in our stake, he has access to the Indexing records.  A few months ago, he was looking at those on his computer and shared with me something that really touched me.  The records show who in each ward has done indexing during the month and how many names they did.  Our ward had quite a long list of brothers and sisters who had indexed during the month.  But I was most touched by the record of a young mother.  This sister was, at the time, just about due with her fifth child.  Her oldest child is six, she has twin four year olds and  a two year old and was just about to have her fifth child.  The record showed that she had logged on.  No names done.  But she had logged on. I can imagine the scenerio:  She probably got her kids to bed or they were otherwise engaged, so she thought she might have a few minutes to index.  But, as so frequently happens with young mamas, she was called away and didn't quite get back to it.  I am deeply touched, though, that she tried.  About due with a baby, I'm sure she felt like lying down if she had a minute's free time, but she offered her widow's mite.  She showed her intention to serve.  She showed up.  She logged on.

1 Samuel 16:77 "But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for theLord aseeth not as bman seeth; for man looketh on the outwardcappearance, but the dLord looketh on the eheart."


Kristen Mackrory said...

Thank you for sharing the faith and diligence of the sister. It touched me.

sara cardon said...

What sweet food for thought! It really doesn't matter how much we do as long as we try.

Joan Morris said...

Man, that reminds me, I need to log on ;)

Becky said...

I love Kayla Roth too! She has always been an inspiration to me in so many ways.