Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Parable of the Ten Virgins Revisited

A couple of month ago, Kristen told us about a family home evening they had.  They taught the story of the parable of the ten virgins from the book of Matthew.  Then, as they often do, they acted out the story.  Four-year-old Nathan was assigned the role of the bridegroom.  They proceeded to go through the story.  The five foolish virgins discover their oil is empty and run to the store to get more.  It's time for the bridegroom to come.  Nathan's disappeared.  "Nathan, come on.  It's time for you to do your part."  No answer.  "Nathan, it's your turn.  Come on."  No answer.  So Kristen goes to find Nathan.  He's hiding in the hall.  "Nathan, come on honey, it's time for you to do your part."  "I don't want to.  I want to give them more time to get back from the store."  And so the parable of the ten virgins is forever changed.  Then, with tears in his eyes, he looked up at his mom and said, "Mom, I don't want to say 'I know you not."
   I've thought a lot about this since.  I've been picturing the Savior "hiding in the hall," trying to give us more time before he comes again- trying to give us every opportunity to fill our lamps: to learn all we need to learn, do all we need to do, and become all we need to become.  Is that what He's doing?  I don't know.  And I guess really none of us know because in that same chapter of Matthew it tells us that "no man knoweth."  But I am very sure that He, like Nathan doesn't want to say "I know you not."  I can imagine that when He does have to say that, it will be with tears in His eyes. He's done everything for us that we won't have to hear those words.  It's up to us to do our little part so that instead we can hear, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant. . . Enter into the joy of the Lord."  Thank you, Nathan for teaching your grandma.


Joan Morris said...

I love this. What a beautiful thought. Thanks Nathan for teaching us. See you soon!

Jana said...

Tears fill my eyes! This is just what I needed to hear. Thanks to Nathan and you for sharing.

Kristen Mackrory said...

I had already forgotten this experience. Thank you so much for recording it Mom, and for the beautiful lesson you helped me to see in it. It made me cry too. I think you are so right.