Sunday, February 21, 2010

Happy Birthday, Michelle!!!

How I love this precious, happy daughter. Her positive outlook on life is such a blessing to me. Last week, she had a week from you know where. The biggest ever recorded snow storm hit DC. Two of them. On the evening after the first huge storm, Melli's husband's left side went tingly and numb. He had to be transported to the hospital in an ambulance because they couldn't get the car out of the parking lot. So Melli had to get help to dig it out, get chains on the tires, and drive on scary roads to get to the hospital (they wouldn't let her baby go in the ambulance, so she had to drive). Then, two days later it happened again. Then, the next day it happened again. During all that, her baby had some health problems, too. She was dealing with all that, but still when we talked to her, she would tell how blessed they are because . . .and then tell why. For instance, she felt like they had been prompted to work on digging the car out the morning of the first incident. She woke up that morning, and just felt like she should go out and work on the car and worked for over an hour for no apparent reason. If she hadn't, they wouldn't have got that car out that night. Brian had worked on it the day before, too, but then more snow fell. Anyway, she always looks for the silver lining- always plays, "this is good because . .. " And amazingly, even in the worst circumstances, she always comes up with something good. She is a strong, beautiful woman and I am so grateful to have her for a daughter. Happy 25th birthday, Michelle!!!!
Oh, by the way, Brian is fine. They think he has cluster migraines because he would get a bad headache after each incident. It's a very unusual symptom of migraine. Gabbi is also fine.


Carina said...

What a scary week! I'm glad both Brian and Gabbi are ok.

Joan Morris said...

Happy Birthday Michelle! You are a great reason to celebrate Feb. 21 :)

Kristen Mackrory said...

That is exactly what I was planning to say about her when I blogged her birthday. (Of course, I haven't done it yet) She really is remarkable. It amazes me how well she is able to see the good about e-ver-y-thing!!! We are blessed to know her.