Sunday, November 16, 2008

Stake Conference

This weekend was our stake conference. With Ken in the stake presidency, it is approached with much prayer,anticipation and thought. Ken was assigned to speak in the Saturday night session and the Sunday morning session this time. He did a great job. Last night he spoke on the importance of taking time to ponder. This morning he left his prepared notes to tell of a great experience he had on Labor Day at the Welfare Farm (so many people showed up to help they finally closed the gates and then drove around in a tractor BEGGING people to go home- not your usual welfare farm story!) Both meetings were great and the spirit strong. I was amazed at how well they were able to keep their composure, considering what happened: We had a tragedy in our stake last night. As Ken and I arrived at the stake center about 6:30pm, a fire truck sped by going, we later learned, to the nearby high school. They were preparing to present the play, "Oklahoma" when a young man was fooling around and put the prop gun to his head and fired. It had a blank, but, I guess, at close range, it still can do a lot of damage. He is in our stake. His bishop was pulled from our meeting, telling him only that the young man had been shot. The stake president saw that happen and during the congregational song, went down to talk to the bishop's wife, who was very emotional. He then told Ken and had Ken ask the one giving the closing prayer to pray for the family. We later learned that the young man had died. They were going to life flight him, but he died on the way. I'm sure, besides the bereaved family, many students will need help and counseling. They locked down the school right after it happened, and interviewed the students who were there. The play was cancelled, and everyone sent home. Ken and the stake presidency spent this evening consoling the family. They have had an outpouring of love from their ward. Nearly 40 people showed up to clean their home, mow their lawn, wash their windows, clean out their fridge, etc. after stake conference this afternoon. The bishop called one or two to help, and within minutes, 40 showed up. The news stations are swarming their home. Friends have been there all day helping answer calls and taking care of the business. Good things are happening in our stake. They've recently organized, with other stakes, a Spanish branch (hosted by us), a Samoan branch (hosted by Bloomington stake) and a special needs mutual (hosted by us). They had a great turnout. They've called wonderful individuals to serve in the YM and YW presidency, including three recently released bishops and our past stake RS president. Each member brings a friend to help. They started in a large meeting, then divided into groups for getting to know you games. Ken took some pictures of their first meeting:


Joan Morris said...

Thanks so much for sharing your stake conference experiences! I'm sure Ken did great! What a sad tragedy. I actually read about that in my paper this morning. That will be so hard for the family to deal with but with such a loving community I'm sure they will endure it well.

James and Tricia Thomas said...

That was such a sad story! It really makes you grateful for the knowledge of the gospel and the support of the members.

ps. I actually graduated from the U of U sorry! But my husband is the crazy fan! I just cheer for them to create family harmony!:)

Natalie Sue said...

Oh my goodness, what a tragic and sad accident. It sounds like you have a wonderful stake! A lot of love being shown the family. What would we do without the gospel? It's amazing.

Shonna said...

Wow! That was a loaded post. We'll keep praying for that family. And those pictures were great--what a neat idea to have an organization for the special needs kids from all over the ST. George area. I would love to go.

sara cardon said...

That is such a sad story. I can't even imagine how the family must feel. Who would have thought of all that awesome diversity and growth in your very own St. George stake?!?

Kristen Mackrory said...

So neat! thank you for sharing!