Sunday, November 9, 2008

Pretending With Brielle

On Saturday morning, Ken and I tended Brielle and Nathan while their parent participated in intramural racquetball. Ken took Nathan for a walk outside, and I suddenly found myself being "dressed" for church by Brielle. She got me in a pretty dress, then buckled me in my chair in the car. She then climbed up on the rocking chair and drove us to church (really, really fast) She unbuckled herself, then came and got me and unbuckled me and instructed me to "hold her hand in the parking lot". We then went into church (in the dining room). We sat on the chairs and she mumbled stuff and shouted out "amen" I said, "Let's go to nursery" and she said, "We'll go to nursery in a little while. Right now we need to sing." So we sang "I Am a Child of God" and had the sacrament and had more mumbling and amen. We sang "Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeam" and she said a nice prayer. Then she said, "Let's go to nursery." She took my hand and led me to the kitchen where she pretended to open the door and let me in. She stood at the door and said, "You stay here and play with your friends. I am going to class and will be back to get you in a little while. Have fun, I love you." and off she headed to "class" in the living room. She climbed up on the couch and sat very quietly with her hands in her lap. So, I played nursery in the kitchen. I did "ring around the rosie" and shouted "Again" after each round. She would look over at me from the corner of her eye and smile. Pretty soon, she came to the "door", pretended to open it and asked if I needed to go potty. She took my hand and took me to the potty, then took me back to nursery. I told her I needed a snack, so she got me the Life cereal. I asked her for a bowl, and she said, "No, just have it on a napkin." I told her I wanted her to stay for snacks, so she did , then she played some games with me with the letters on her fridge. Soon thereafter our “game” was interrupted, but the role reversal was so fun. It's so fun to see what's in her little head!


James and Tricia Thomas said...

That is the cutest story I have ever read!!

Blake said...

That was HILARIOUS! It seemed strangely familiar... Thank you so much for sharing fun memories!

Joan Morris said...

What an imagination! She is quite a character and what a good Grandma to play pretend! Cute story.

sara cardon said...

That is SO cute!! She sounds like she is one smart little cookie.:)

Kristen Mackrory said...

Joan's right! You are a good grandma, no you're a GREAT grandma!

Shonna said...

Brielle is quite the character! I loved the part where she said "no, just a little longer til nursery" and then proceeded with more songs and talking. I wonder how many times she hears the "amen" in church and the response of just a while longer? What a sweetheart.