Sunday, July 6, 2008

Home Away From Home

Nearly every day, I spend an hour in this beautiful pool. I went six times this week. I LOVE to swim, and though my knee still feels tight, I think it's helping to strenghten it and the other knee - preparing for it's surgery. As you can see, midday I have the pool pretty much to myself- just me and the lifeguard! As Blake would say, I'm a swimming fool!


Joan Morris said...

This should be motivation for you to buy your own pool. You live in St. George for heaven's sake. You'd LOVE it. I'm so proud of you for all your exercise.

Shonna said...

I'm so glad you love it! Wish I could be in it too-Ohio is hot and quite humid!

Michelle said...

You are AMAZING, Mom. It's fun to see the place where you spend so much time. :)

Ada said...

I'm impressed that you are so faithful at your exercising. You inspire me to do better! Tightness is very familiar to me, too!