Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July!

We enjoyed a quiet, just the two of us celebration of our country's birth. We had a barbecue(unbelievably good orange roughy!), bruschetta, and the traditonal homemade vanilla ice cream. We walked out to "the bench" overlooking the valley to enjoy the fireworks. If you look closely at the picture, you can make out the temple to the left of the sparkly burst!


Joan Morris said...

What a great firework picture. I'm glad you two had an enjoyable, low key celebration.

Michelle said...

Awesome picture!!! Just so you know, pretty much EVERY recipe I make these days comes straight from your "Kitchen Fun" cookbook. I don't know what I would do without it. It just makes life so much easier to make recipes that I'm familiar with and love. Within the past week I've made Quilter's Lasagna, Carne e Pizziolia, barbeque chicken (crockpot-style), and Cranberry Chicken. Thanks for passing on such an awesome legacy of great cooking. . . You should add THAT to our traditions list: Incredible meals made by mom.