Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Hinton Family Traditions

As part of the Hinton reunion, families reminisced and recorded their family traditions. Since none of our children were able to attend, we've collected their remembrances of our traditions over the phone. Here's our list: Hinton Family Traditions Holidays New Years: Everyone writes a new year’s resolution on a piece of paper and folds it up and puts it in a ornament which we hang in our entry all year to remind us of our resolution. We open them the next year to see how we’ve done. Aebelskivers on New Years morning Birthdays: Each person chooses their favorite meal for their birthday Valentines: Small gift on Valentines, Make heart shaped sugar cookies Easter: Color and hide eggs, Scotcharoos, Easter picnic on Saturday, ham and ham sauce for Easter dinner Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day: Make homemade vanilla ice cream Sometime in the summer go to Idaho to visit Grandma and Grandpa Gabe. Hinton Reunion Fall: One Saturday each autumn (usually the last Sat. in Sept) we go to Kolob and “touch the sky” and picnic. Halloween: Make pumpkin sugar cookies, eat Halloween soup and pumpkin bread for dinner. Thanksgiving: Traditional Thanksgiving dinner including rot col and Grandpa’s yams. Christmas: Go to the mountains to get our tree with the Hinton family. Advent Calendar, Book Basket: Open a Christmas book or story each night of December and read it. Caroling as we gave neighbor gifts, Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa Gabe’s- read the story from Luke 2, Open gifts one at a time, PJs on Christmas eve, Make caramels Family Home Evening: Favorite activities (why doesn’t anybody remember the lessons???): Softball in the park, Kick the can, Annie-I-over, hide and go seek in the dark Family scripture study, family prayer (put hands in circle and yell “Yoshi! at the end of the prayer), singing around the piano, singing while we travel, singing answering machine messages, Father’s blessings at the start of the school year Attend church meetings, Fasting, Preparing for the temple, pay tithing and offerings, attend extended family’s baptisms, mission farewells and homecomings, weddings when possible. Attend each other’s functions: Kristen’s sporting events, Shonna’s music programs, Michelle’s dance performances and plays. Everyone attends everyone’s. Eat dinner together, Mom reading to kids when they’re little, then reading whatever they’re reading all through school and discuss it together. “HI YA!!! You can’t have her, she’s mine.”Mom would hold daughter close and pretend someone was trying to take away child. She would karate chop them. “Pinchy, Fisty, Flatty, Cutty, Cow”- a game taught us by Rick Hintons Michelle reading Sunday comics every week with Dad. Shonna and Mom playing duets on the piano (What would Christmas be without “Sleigh Ride”?) Daddy goes to girls camp every year to be the priesthood representative. Playing games with Mom at night (you have to keep playing until Mom wins!): Labyrinth, Rook, Careers for Girls, Bazaar, etc. Daddy brushes out daughters’ hair (by the wood stove when little, with blow dryer when older) Sunday night phone calls to those living away from home, Rub mom’s feet, tickle Dad’s head Travel: Everyone gets to choose one treat at the gas station, singing together in car- everyone takes turns choosing song. We start with Dad who ALWAYS chooses “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad. His 2d turn is ALWAYS “Give Said the Little Stream”! Travel games: guess the starburst flavor, word of song game, ABCs Chores: Clean house on Saturdays, Mom has chore lists (everyone wants the one with “check the fire alarms and dust the wainscoting) We do certain chores on certain days, i.e. Laundry on Mondays Grow a garden, everyone helps with canning and freezing. Homemade apple pies When something is broken, put it on Daddy’s dresser for him to fix it.


Shonna said...

I absolutely love this list!!! How fun to reminisce. SP? I loved "touching the sky" and guessing the starburst flavor-strawberry banana was always my favorite! Such a fun post! Love you! We also just unpacked our aebelskiver pan.

sara cardon said...

Strange how YOUR Easter traditions are now MY Easter traditions as well. I wonder if that's because we always ended up free-loading with you guys every spring break?!? Thanks for the great traditions.:) And also, five words: pinchy-fisty-flatty-cutty-cow. Yea!! I love you guys!!

Joan Morris said...

What a great post! I LOVED reading about all your traditions. It is amazing how many we also have in our family. Are you okay with sharing so many traditions with "The Trashers"? {:

Michelle said...

So Happy! Oh, the memories! Sheesh; who'd've thunk we had so many traditions? The list seems ginormous in print.