Wednesday, September 11, 2024

I'm Sorry; I Will Try to Do Better


When we stayed with the Prince boys this summer, I played a game with William.  I don't remember the name of it, but it was one of those where you strategize to move, which may block your opponent from their plans.  I made my move which blocked William from his plans.  He got very upset.  He's six.  That's very normal for a six-year-old.  I won the game and he was very upset.  He wanted to play again.  I told him that maybe we shouldn't because it caused him to be so angry.  He thought for a minute and then humbly said, "I'm sorry; I will try to do better."  

Those words still cause tears to spring to my eyes.  What a sweet, humble response.  Those are words we all need to say more often, aren't they?   Thank you, William for teaching your grandma.

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