Saturday, September 14, 2024

Gabrielsen Sibling Reunion 2024

 Gabrielsen Sibling Reunion 2024

In August, Patty invited us to she and Hal's beautiful home for a fun 3-day reunion.  Ken and I went a day early to help cook.

Joan twisting the delicious Norwegian rolls.  Everyone gathered on Thursday for a delicious Norwegian/ Swedish dinner, most made from recipes of our great-grandmother's.

Such a beautiful table setting with Norwegian candlesticks and table runner.

Roger carved the delicious Norwegian roast chicken

Norwegian rolls with cardamon

Norwegian Cucumber Salads

Red Potatoes

Norwegian and Swedish Flags sprinkled about

Dishing up our plates

Yum!  Our great-grandmother Inga's Norwegian meatballs with delicious mushroom gravy, red potatoes, Norwegian roast chicken with lingon berries, cucumber salads, fresh tomato slices and Norwegian rolls.

A buck just below Patty and Hal's deck.  They have daily visits from deer.
Friday morning we had a delicious breakfast casserole,


Cream cheese and fruit stuffed crescents

The men went golfing after breakfast and the sisters assembled history books about our family trip to Norway/Sweden last year.  Patty did a beautiful job of capturing it all in word and pictures.

Cindy scoring the ham.

For dinner that night we made ham with a delicious ham sauce, baked potatoes, corn, squash, cucumbers, and tomatoes.

Saturday morning we left the house at 8 am and went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast, then drove to Logan to decorate graves of our parents and other ancestors.

Logan Cemetery

Shonna and kids met us there.

Wellsville cemetery where "Mother Park" and James are buried.  They raised our grandma Peterson.  She had this beautiful memorial placed on their grave.

The final activity of our reunion was dinner at Maddox.  So yummy!

After dinner, everyone went their separate ways.
Thank you, Patty, for organizing such a great reunion!  Thanks to all for coming.  We love you!!!!

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