Monday, May 13, 2024

Missionary from the Grave

 My sister, Joan recently had an unexpected surprise.  She was kind enough to share it with her siblings.

Just out of the blue, she got a message from the son of Dr. Hubler.  Dr. Hubler was my dad's partner in their internist practice for years.  The Hublers are not members of our church, but the son, Tim, was perusing our church's family search website and found my dad's personal history on there and read it.  That prompted him to find Joan and write to her.  He was so touched by our dad's commitment to the church and his testimony.  Dad passed away in 2003, but his recorded history continues to inspire and bless lives.

Joan and Tim have corresponded a few times.  He has contacted his family members about this correspondence as Joan has hers.  So, we have all kind of reconnected. 

Who knew we could be missionaries from the grave simply by posting our histories on   

Tim shared some pictures from the early years of our dads' practice.

This is Caldwell Memorial hospital.  It was less than a block from Caldwell Internal Medicine- Dr. Hubler and Dr. Gabrielsen's practice.

The young Dr. Hubler

This is the building Dr. Hubler and Dr. Gabrielsen built to house their practice.  My uncle who was an architect designed the building.

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