Saturday, May 11, 2024

Bonuses to Weekend in Colorado

We went to Colorado to attend Samuel's baptism.  But there were many bonuses to being there that weekend.

Guys and Dolls

One of the biggest, grandest, best-of-all bonuses was getting to watch Nathan play the lead role of Sky Masterson in Guys and Dolls- a musical presented by his high school. His girlfriend, Payton played opposite him as Sarah in the play.

Some of us went on Friday night.

And some went to the matinee on Saturday.

This picture includes the Mackrory's neighbor, Lynn who came to support Nathan.

Some of the cast.

Grandpa, Grandma, Nathan, and Payton.

Payton, Nathan, and Jake (who was SO excited to FINALLY see their onstage kiss!  Payton has been around a lot for several months and Jake relentlessly teases them about kissing.  Hey, he's 13!)

We were so proud of Nathan.  He did SO well.  We didn't know he had these talents.  I don't think he knew he had them.  He did such a great job!  My favorite was his solo, "Luck is a Lady!"  It is long and he was leaping all over the stage and singing and he totally nailed it!
Piano Recital
We also got to attend the piano recital of Audrey and Jacob on Saturday morning after the baptism.  

They both did a great job on their recital pieces.  We drove them to the recital after the baptism.  Kristen came a little later but got there in time to hear them play.

Lunch with Kristen
On Friday, after we dropped Lisi off at her afternoon pre-school, we took Kristen out for lunch.  We went to a very eclectic Mexican restaurant.
The food was presented so beautifully.  Kristen and I ordered three different kinds of tacos.  They had lots of choices.  That one is avocado tempura taco.  They were all good.

Ken ordered a pork dish that was a little spicy!
It is so fun to spend time with just Kristen.  We love her so!!

I wouldn't say it was a happy bonus, but Friday evening, a huge snowstorm hit the area.  When we came out after the play, everything was blanketed in white.  It was scary, treacherous driving.  Michelle had rented a car and was driving from the airport in it.  I followed her progress on Find a Friend.  I was so relieved when she pulled up to Kristen's house- as was she.  It was near white-out conditions.
I took this picture of a tree in full blossom covered with snow.

Waiting for Grandpa to come and get us so we wouldn't slip in the parking lot.

MOPRO (Mormon Prom)

Saturday night was MOPRO so we got to see Brielle all dressed up for the occasion.  She is so beautiful!

Time with Family
Maybe the biggest bonus was just getting to spend time with family.  Michelle flew from SLC to be there, Blake, Shonna, and all of their family drove to be there and of course, we flew.  It was a happy reunion. (Brian held down the fort at home so kids could attend their big activities that weekend.)

Gabe and Sammy are about the same age and had fun playing together.  Gabe will be next to be baptized in September.

The girls had fun using face paint on their brothers/cousins.  Gabe is a dragon.

Grandpa cut up the pineapple for the brunch.  He and Sammy ate about half of it!

So many great bonuses to an already great weekend!

1 comment:

Ada said...

Wow! If every trip could have all those bonuses, that would be very special! Your having an "almost all" reunion sounds great, indeed!