Thursday, March 14, 2024

More Blasts from the Past -4

 When I started posting these pictures from my hometown from the time when I was growing up, I didn't expect there to be so many.  This is my fourth post about them.  There are a lot more pictures posted on the Facebook page, but I'm only posting ones that trigger memories.  Here are some more:

This one certainly triggers memories.  This is Caldwell High School as it looked when I went there.  I have so many memories of course, as we all do of our high school years.  That dark rectangle on the left is the side door to the school.  As you walked in, the first door on the right was Mrs. Hooban's room.  She was the eccentric speech teacher.  So those first windows in the front were her classroom.  Speech was my first class of the day (after early morning Seminary.)  I really enjoyed this class and participating on the speech and forensics teams.  High school was a nice time for me.

Jefferson Junior High School was the old school where I attended 8th and 9th grade.  It had been a high school before that.  It was an old, three-story building and was right across the street from where I attended church.  It had no cafeteria, so you had to bring your own lunch, go to one of many fast food places nearby, or walk a block down to Lincoln Elementary School (where I attended 1st - 3rd grade) and eat lunch in their cafeteria.  
The building was very big.  My favorite class in that building was 8th grade English.  I loved reading the books from different genres in that class and enjoyed writing the papers.  I have always loved and done well in English.  I also enjoyed Home Ec- at least the cooking portion.   I learned to sew in that class, but my big project- a blue dress- didn't fit me properly, but it fit my mom, so she had to come to class and model it for me at the end of year fashion show.  She was a good sport.  Home Ec and choir were in the basement, and I had lots of classes on the main floor and upstairs.  My favorite place to go was the library.  I would go after school every Friday and check out a stack of books to read over the weekend.   I still remember the joy and anticipation as I walked home, carrying my heavy treasure.

Jefferson Junior High School had a huge auditorium.  It had old wooden chairs that squeaked.  When they built the high school, they didn't put an auditorium in it, and just kept using this one at the junior high school, so all of our high school musicals were performed here.  I was in three of them: South Pacific, The Music Man, and Oliver.  As a little girl I was also in Carousel.  All were performed on this stage.

The News Tribune was Caldwell's newspaper.  My dad's good friend, Pete Hackworth was the managing editor there.  Pete was a gregarious man with a long white beard.  My mom told  the story often of how horrified she was when she first took me to church as a tiny baby and Pete (Pete was a member of our church) came up to admire me and he kissed me right on the lips!  My first kiss, I guess!
The paper truly reflected the culture of the city.  I think most hometown newspapers in the olden days did that.  My picture frequently appeared in the newspaper as I participated in dance recitals, plays, performances, and received awards, etc.  And I wasn't the only one.  Everyone was in there a lot.  Every event was reported in The News Tribune.  I can remember going to this office to get my picture taken there more than once as I won an award or participated in a community event.

Watch for more blasts from my past!

This picture cracks me up.  In preparation for our annual dance recital at Marie Christensen's studio, Marie asked me and some other little girls to go to the News Tribune to have our picture taken.  I was probably in fourth grade when this picture was taken.

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