Sunday, November 15, 2020

Teaching Gospel Doctrine Virtually

 I think many wards throughout the church have been teaching via zoom for many months during the pandemic, but our ward just started doing so with the new directives given in October.  My first turn to teach gospel doctrine was on November 1st, teaching Mormon 1-6.  I have an aversion to using technology in teaching at church.  It seems that every time I've tried, every time anyone tries, something goes wrong.  The class sits and waits while they try to fix it and it seems the spirit flees in those tense moments.  Before the pandemic, I tried it once in the real classroom in gospel doctrine.  I tried using an audio clip- not even video.  I had it all cued and ready to go and had practiced it many times.  But when I tried it during the lesson, the sound was inadequate and even with me putting the microphone in front of the speaker, it was ineffective.  I decided then and there that I would not be using technology again.  Ha!  Ha!  The joke is on me.  I am now teaching via technology!

Previous to this, I had been on zoom calls with my family, but really had no real experience with using zoom. But I was determined to learn all I could and to do the best job I could. I sent out a plea to my family for help.  My sister, Joan, suggested I make google slides (She has taught Sunday school and Relief Society via Zoom for months.)  I had never heard of google slides, but I got on Youtube.  I watched several YouTube videos on how to make slides and made quite a nice slide presentation that went with the lesson.  Here are a few pictures of some of my google slides?

My granddaughter, Brielle offered to help me, too. She has had virtual school for months, and has taught Young Women via Zoom several times. On the Wednesday before I was to teach, we set up a zoom practice and worked through some issues.  The next day, our technical specialist in the ward, did the same thing with me. He invited me to a zoom meeting and I practiced the slides with him and asked him questions.  I felt I was prepared.  I prayed and prayed and prayed that it would all work.  
Sunday at 12:00 noon was our Sunday school time.  The technical specialist was the host, and was late in letting me and everyone else on.  Then I tried to practice the screen share and got an error message that the host was not allowing me to screen share.  Class members were coming into the zoom quickly.  It was time to start.  He tried to fix it, but didn't know how.  He frantically tried to fix it while I, what I hope appeared calmly, went on with the lesson.  Previously, fearing that the technology would not work, because it never does, had printed my slide show- just in case. As the lesson developed, I just held up the papers with my google slides printed on them.  Ken told me after that I wasn't holding them quite high enough, so they weren't really effective.  Oh. well.  After everyone else signed off, the technology specialist had me stay on and figured out what he needed to do to let me show my slides. At least I hope he has figured it out. Since, I've talked to others who told me what he needed to do as well.
But, other than that, I think the lesson went pretty well.  We had had three previous 2nd hour lessons in our ward.  The precedence had been established for the class members to leave their cameras off during these lessons.  I started the lesson by asking them to please turn on their cameras.  Many did.  So now we had faces instead of just names. My lesson plan had us start by me asking questions and continued to do so throughout.  Many responded by using the chat box and some by unmuting their mikes and talking.  Excellent comments were made.  I learned so much.  And I felt the spirit, despite the technology. The comments were inspired and the spirit strong. That was my main goal.  For if the spirit isn't present, no one learns anything.  It wasn't perfect, but I think our first try was a good start.  I  teach again on December 20th and am already working on that lesson.  Preparation and prayer, lots of prayer, are the keys to success, I feel. I will give it my all! 

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