Wednesday, November 18, 2020

A Visit to the Camerons

Shonna's husband, Blake is our dentist.  We wanted to get up to Logan for our cleanings and check-ups before it got too cold.  I had a couple of teeth bothering me.  So we scheduled our appointments for this week, but, in the meantime, two of my teeth went seriously south on me.  So Blake worked us in for Monday, the 2nd of November.  We left after I taught gospel doctrine on the 1st and got up there Sunday evening.  The kids were already in bed when we got there.
We saw them the next morning, though.  My, how we miss those kids.  Our appointments were for noon, starting with cleanings.  I got in a dental chair at noon and didn't finish until 5:00pm.  I had a cleaning, a root canal and two crowns!  It was okay, though.  Most of it, I was relaxed and did fine.  We are grateful for Blake and his team.  That evening, we had dinner (pasta salad) and then enjoyed smores around their backyard fire pit.

Hannah had a loose tooth ready to come out.  She worked and worked on it.

Gabe had a stellar day.  He has been working on potty training for quite some time.  He often calls us with reports.  If he could go a whole day and stay dry, he had rewards waiting:  He could wear the underwear his other grandma bought him and he got this Paw Patrol water bottle.  He did it on Tuesday!  A whole day dry!  He was so proud and happy.  And man, did that water taste good out of that bottle!

During Covid, my hair has grown and grown.  I asked Shonna to cut it.  She watched a Youtube video I had found and did a marvelous job!  I was so pleased.

You can see my swollen mouth and face in this picture from yesterday's dental work.

Shonna then cut Ken's hair.  She does Blake's and her boys' all the time, so that wasn't a challenge.  Ken asked her to cut his eyebrows.  She knew Blake had an eyebrow trimmer, so she tried that on his left eye.  It shaved off his brow completely.  Oh how I wished I had taken a picture of the look on her face when she realized what she had done.  She felt so bad.  Ken was such a good sport and reassured her it was fine.  It's still growing back!  We laughed and laughed.

We always read a lot of books to the Cameron kids.  They love to be read to. None of them are really into screens.  They love books.

And Lily is craft queen.  She isn't home from school for more than a minute before she's working on some craft.  Here she is making a puzzle.  She colored a picture, then cut it up to be a puzzle.  She is a creative child.

In the afternoon, we went to put flowers on my parents' grave.  Shonna takes her kids there frequently and tells them great grandpa and grandma stories.

There was a huge wind storm that took down many of the old trees in that beautiful cemetery.  This is the remains of one near my parents' grave.  But it isn't "their" tree.

That evening, Shonna planned a Japanese meal for us.  She made onigiri, sushi, and miso soup.  We got mochi ice cream for dessert.  It was so fun to eat the foods we learned to love.

Yummy mochi

Every time we go their home or they come to ours, Lily treats us to a foot rub.  She is such a precious little girl.

That evening, after her daddy got home, he pulled Hannah's loose tooth.  She was so happy.

We had a spontaneous dance party before bed.  It was so much fun!

Lily in the kimono we sent her when we were on our mission.  It's getting a little small.

This little guy is a puzzle doer.  No puzzle stumps him.  
We had such a nice visit with this precious family.  We love them so much!
On the way home, we stopped at Patty and Hal's and had a nice visit.  Patty made us a delicious lunch.  We picked up the books Patty has been working on- a history of our Peterson ancestors.


1 comment:

Joan Morris said...

I want to see a picture of Ken without his eyebrow :)