Friday, October 16, 2020

Surprise at General Conference!

We had a great surprise during general conference.  Elder Gary W. Stevenson served his mission in the same Japanese mission(Fukuoka, Japan)  that Ken did.  He entered the mission about a year after Ken, so their service overlapped for about a year, but Ken doesn't remember him from then.  When he came to a conference held in Sendai when we were serving as senior missionaries, Elder Stevenson told Ken that he remembered him. But that is often the case, the younger elders remember the older.  But anyway, back to the point.  When he told the story at general conference of being disappointed that his mission president didn't allow he and his companion to attend the huge Tokyo conference where President Kimball would be speaking, he showed the picture of he and his companion.  Ken saw the picture and yelled out, "He was my companion, too!"  His name is Elder Hasegawa.  Ken served with him in Naha, Okinawa prior to this time.  Ken recognized him immediately.  They were only companions for a short time.  
Ken came home from his mission before the Tokyo conference was held, so he didn't get to attend, either.  But what a fun blast from the past to see a picture of his former companion displayed at general conference! 


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