Tuesday, May 5, 2020

A Lovely Surprise

Our good friend Kurtis, who owns a florist's shop sent us this beautiful bouquet just to wish us a good day.  I think Kurtis goes to work each day and asks himself, "Who can I serve today?"  We have been his target many times over the years.
We have a long history together.  Kurtis and Diana moved into the ward just a few months before us (they since have built a new home and are no longer in our ward.)  Kurtis served as Ken's executive secretary in the bishopric many years ago, then when Kurtis was the bishop, I served as Relief Society president with him.  Ken and Kurtis like to go hiking together and have hiked the Grand Canyon several times.
This bouquet was the perfect pick-me-up on a quarantine day.

1 comment:

Pal & Hatty said...

What an awesome thing to do! The flowers are lovely! Good friends really brighten our lives.