Tuesday, July 30, 2019

I Wrote a Book on Parenting

Kristen and Jared were in charge of our Ken Hinton family reunion this year.  They asked me to teach a class on parenting.  In preparation for that, I wrote a book.  I know: who died and made me the expert?  Nobody, and I am no expert. But it was fun to put together this book for my kids.  I actually wrote the original when Kristen and Jared were expecting our first grandchild- fourteen years ago.  I gave it to Kristen and Jared when they had our first grandchild, Brielle.  Back then, I used a slide-in photo album and cut cardstock cards the size of pictures and printed the verbage.  I decorated it with lots of stickers.

My plan was to make one for each of our daughters as they had their first baby.  But, my enthusiasm waned, and I guess I got shy about coming off as the expert.  So the other two never got their books.  But with this assignment, I decided to resurrect the book and have it professionally printed.  This time I used pictures of our grandchildren with their parents and us.  Following are a few of the pages from the book:

Being a mother was/is my life's work.  It is who I am.  I have very poignant feelings about motherhood.  I am grateful for the privilege of being a mother and for my three beautiful daughters and their families.  I am grateful for Ken, my parenting partner.  I think we made/ make a pretty good team.
It is rewarding to watch our children parent.  Our grandchildren are lucky to have the parents they have.  May they continue to be blessed in their eternal pursuit.

1 comment:

Joan Morris said...

I love this and I want a copy!