Monday, March 13, 2017

We Get a New Neighbor

We are getting a new upstairs neighbor.  We were so intrigued with the moving company.  They were extremely courteous and careful.  We wanted to share it with you.  First, they came to the door and told us they were working and apologized for any inconvenience. 
Ours is the door on the left.

They started by lining the stairs and walls with padding to avoid damaging the furniture or the walls or property.

Even though their arms were full, they always slipped off their shoes before entering the home.  That is Japanese custom.
So, America moving companies and Elder's Quorums (Mormon moving companies!) everywhere, there's some ideas for you!  Moving in the Japanese way!


Pal & Hatty said...

That is amazing! I love the picture of the walls and stairs lined with foam and that they are wearing masks! Do you see that a lot in Japan? The are a very respectful culture!

Joan Morris said...

Wow, I'm impressed. I wish movers in America would learn a thing or two. Having witnessed Sara's moves with the Air Force, I know that much care was not taken ;)

sara cardon said...

Wow!! I second my mom's comment. I wish the movers the military uses were a bit more like that!! Ha ha. We've had so many things break, and mattresses (unwrapped) dragged across the driveway, etc. And even with that, I know they pay like $10,000 a move, too. I wonder how much those movers cost to bring to Colorado?