Friday, March 21, 2014

Grandpa Ken Comes for a Visit

Ken came to Logan for a visit last weekend.  Our nephew, Kyler got married in the Rexburg temple, so Ken drove to Logan on Friday and he and I drove to Rexburg on Saturday to attend the wedding and luncheon.  It was so fun to be there.  Kyler and Ashley looked so happy.  I didn't get a great picture, but this is the happy couple emerging from the temple:
Have you ever seen the wind?  I know they say you can't see wind, but, in Rexburg, you can see the wind.  I swear.  All of my pictures outside the Rexburg temple are blurry and I swear it's the wind.  

It was so fun to visit with the Rick Hinton cousins who made the trek en mass to be at the wedding.  Here Ken is telling his Grand Canyon adventures to Travis, Brett, Bryan, and Stacy.  Love these people.  What a great group!

It was so fun to see and enter the Rexburg temple.  I attended school in Rexburg for two years, but, of course, the temple wasn't there then.

After the wedding, Ken drove me around Rexburg so I could see the old stomping grounds.  I hardly recognized a thing.  I did find the apartment building where I lived.  But that was about all.  

It used to be called Village Apartments, but now it's called Rockland and it's now housing for men.  How dare they mess it up?  I swear they shrunk the hill I had to climb from there to get to campus.  It just didn't seem as steep and long as I remember it!!!  Maybe it's because there was no ice being blown in my face.

Sunday was Ken's 60th birthday.  After church, I made him his favorite lemon meringue pie.  It always has fissures.  Oh well, it still tasted wonderful.  

Wishing for another 60 years!

When I was making the pie, I let Caleb lick the filling spoon.  He didn't like the sour taste.  When I asked him what he'd like instead of lemon pie for a treat, he said he'd like a pear.  So he ate his pear while we ate lemon pie.  This kid is THE best eater in the world.  He loves healthy foods.

Lily is also a very good eater, but she LOVED the lemon pie.  

It was plate-lickin' good!!!

The kids were thrilled that Grandpa got lots of yummy treats for his birthday and that Grandpa is a good share boy.

Happy birthday, Ken!  I love you more than that!!!!


Joan Morris said...

Ken is 60? Now way! He looks not a day over 50. Happy Birthday Ken Hinton! We love you too. Tom wants you to come visit him in the mountains some time soon!
Fun to see your old stomping grounds in Rexburg. It has changed.

Kristen Mackrory said...

Happy birthday Dad! We sure love you. And you definitely appear to be right. That DOES look like the wind in those pictures. Crazy.

Kristen Mackrory said...
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Pam said...

I, too, am shocked that Ken is 60! I had to re-read the number to make sure I was seeing right! Temple weddings with loved ones are the best - so glad you got to go to Rexburg together. It's always strange to go back to old stomping grounds. Things always are smaller than what we remember them.

Jana said...

What a fun weekend!! Wish I could have joined my siblings... it sounded like a lot of fun. Strider and I are living in Vegas now and a lot closer to you and the crew!! Hope Ken had a great birthday! Love you guys.

Shonna said...

That was a really good lemon pie, mmmm, my favorite! You're a good cook Grandma! We already miss you. Sure love ya! Thanks for all your help.