Monday, February 13, 2012

Lucky Rock

I own a lucky rock:
You may remember this guy- John:
If you don't remember: I was out in the ocean on a boat in St. Lucia last November, and this Rastafarian, John, paddled out on his "water taxi" to sell me stuff (and to get rum from our boat). We got to talking and he and I became friends. That's the short of it. But what I didn't tell you before is that John gave me a lucky rock. After we visited awhile, he reached down in his boat and pulled out a rock. Then, with great ceremony, he presented it to me, declaring it was a lucky rock- obtained from the local volcano. He told me it would bring me luck. I smiled. I thanked him, and when I got back to the ship, packed it in my bag and brought it home. I set it in a basket on my dresser and kind of forgot about it. Recently, I noticed it in there. Hmmmm . . . I thought. I guess it isn't that lucky of a rock. I thought of my teeth (three of them) that have broken since I got home. I'm still seeing the dentist, trying to get two of them fixed. The dentist broke the 2nd one, fixing the 1st one. Anyway, it's been quite an ordeal. I thought of the terrible cold I had last month- and still, I have a clogged ear, lingering from that. I thought of two of my grandchildren who have had RSV- one of them having to be hospitalized. I thought of other disappointments and hard things in my life. "No, that's no lucky rock," I thought. Then, in almost the same thought, I was overwhelmed with how lucky I am: I have the kindest, nicest husband who honors and loves me. I have three beautiful daughters whose greatest desire is to be a good mother and who strive every day to be a better person. I thought of my three fine sons-in-law. And then I thought of each of those seven precious grandchildren (LUCKY!) and how much I love them. I thought of my comfortable home with running (hot) water and a washer and dryer and dishwasher and computer and many, many conveniences that make my life better. I thought of the good people I live near, the opportunities I have to serve and the joy I feel in every day. I thought of my siblings and extended family and of my heritage. I thought of the many opportunities and blessings I have in my life. "Oh, yes," I thought," That is one LUCKY rock." That is a good, good rock. Now, I know you'll all be wanting a lucky rock, too. So here's what to do: Just go out in the ocean near St. Lucia and John should come floating up. Tell him you're there for a lucky rock and that Kay sent you. I'm sure he'll give you one. He's just that kind of a guy. OR, you could just sit down and think of all the ways the Lord has blessed you and guided your life. That might be cheaper, and I think you'd find that maybe you don't even need a lucky rock. I kind of suspect I don't need one either. But I'm hanging on to it . . . just in case!


Pam said...

You've done it again, Kay! This is one of the sweetest little essays on Truth I've ever read! Good writing . . good writing!

Kristen Mackrory said...

That IS one lucky rock. After the last couple of hours with a grumpy baby and an extra silly 4 year old I needed to read this post. Maybe that is why I came to your blog.

Ming said...

I needed this post today. The past few weeks have been hard around here battling RSV and sickness ourselves and getting loads of sad news from friends. It's always nice to pause and remember our blessings during hard times, because really, I have so many. My amazing family being among the top! Thanks Aunt Kay!

sara cardon said...

Um, I can honestly see this being turned into either a children's story about realizing blessings b/c it's so clever and cute, OR one of those great little stories in the Ensign. People shouldn't be surprised if they read it in there in a few months...

Joan Morris said...

Great story! I agree that we are all pretty darned lucky! We just need to look at what we have and not what we don't have.
Thanks for your insight.

Ada said...

I love it! I must have a lucky rock, too!

Pal & Hatty said...

What a wonderful post! I needed just that reminder! I love your family picture - everyone looks great and what a fun color scheme!!

Michelle said...

I agree with Sara . .. you should really consider submitting this to the ensign. Or write a children's book! Seriously! This is one of your best posts ever, and that's saying a lot. You were meant to be an author, Mom. You should do it.

Sarah said...

I wish I would have had this for a RS lesson last year. I'm filing it away for my next chance to use it. What a great lesson.

Shonna said...

It's been a while since I've been in the blogging world. I LOVE this post though.I think I'll opt for the cheaper option. ;)