Friday, October 21, 2011

Jaron Brian is Born!

Our sweet new grandson, Jaron Brian Prince came to join our family last Tuesday, October 11th. I was in the air between Vegas and Boise( the first leg of my journey) when he arrived- on my way there to help. Brian texted that she was at a 5 or 6 just before I got on the plane. I was so anxious on that flight. As soon as we landed, I turned on my phone and soon the text came that Jaron was born. By then we were in that awkward time on a plane: you know, after you're landed and at the gate, when everyone is just crammed in the aisles, waiting for them to open the door and let you out. I called out, "My daughter just had a baby boy- 9 1/2 pounds. A lady a few rows back said, "What did she say?" The man right behind me yelled, "Her daughter just had a baby!" The plane was then filled with "Ah's!" and "Congratulations!" It was fun. I've decided that my daughters just need to pick the date they would like to have their children, let me know, then I'll schedule my flight for that day to ensure they will have the baby that day. For my last experience see this post. Even though I choose my flights weeks in advance, I seem to have a gift for choosing the exact day. Well, I guess I was two days late on Jacob, but still . . .
I spent a wonderful week in Virginia with the Prince family (except I got a cold which I then passed on to Melli-stink!) It was so fun to get to know Gabbi and her adorable personality. She was a very fun roommate. We even spent most of one night up together. Her "trying " to go back to sleep and me singing every song in the Children's Songbook I could think of. Michelle's described it on her blog before, but you just can't believe it until you see it: One evening after dinner, Michelle turned on the Raffi music. Gabbi flew into high gear. She knows most every word of "Baby Baluga" and every song thereafter on the playlist of 10-15 songs. When one song finishes, she launches into the next, beating Raffi to the punch. She dances and twirls and sings. With the mother that she has, she knows all the terms for her dance moves, ie: arabesque and other words I can't spell. That little girl, much like her mother, is born to be on the stage. She loves an appreciative audience and just hates it if anyone she loves is missing the show.
Jaron is a sweet, good-natured baby. He is so sweet. I held him the first day I was there, but then got the cold, so didn't get to again until the last day. He is so sweet and so soft and so new from heaven. He was 9 1/2 pounds, but it seems it's all in length. He's tall. He doesn't cry much unless you change his clothes or he's hungry. I hope he continues to be a good baby for his parents. Speaking of his parents, he is one lucky little guy to come to their family. And to Gabbi, who was WELL prepared for his arrival. Michelle and Brian had talked to her a lot about things she could do for her new brother when he came. She remembered every one of them. We colored pictures to put on the door when he came home and yelled, "Surprise!" when they came in. She then shot down the hall, climbed into the rocking chair and started singing, "I Am a Child of God" while she rocked with all her might. Her parents had suggested that that was one thing she could do for him when he came was sing to him. She remembered and did it first off. Michelle and Brian did a cute thing: They had Gabbi get Jaron a gift (a car) and Jaron got her a gift ( a doll.) They exchanged their gifts. Frequently thereafter, we would find that car or a rattle in the bassinet with Jaron- just in case he woke up and needed to play, I guess.
Here are some pictures from my week:
Gabbi meets Jaron at the hospital
First family photo
Gabbi kept pulling at Jaron's blanket. She wanted to see all of him, not just his head. Michelle unwrapped him, and together they counted his toes.
Brian and Jaron
Grandma's turn
At home
Gabbi with her block tower (wearing her much-loved Princess nightgown)
Welcome to the world, Jaron Brian. We love you!!!!


Carina said...

I didn't even know Michelle was pregnant! Congrats on another beautiful grandchild!

Pam said...

Oh, my goodness, what a hair-raising experience trying to get there! And what a beautiful baby! I loved the stories of Gabby and would love to hear her sing! You do have another gorgeous grandkid, Kay and Ken, and we couldn't be happier for you! Tell Michelle and Brian congrats!

Joan Morris said...

Congratulations! What wonderful pictures. Your kids are multiplying and replenishing.

Michelle said...

THANK YOU for all of your help! You totally spoiled us. We miss you like crazy over here! You got some great pictures; I think I'll have to steal some of them. :) Love you so much, Mom!

Shonna said...

So sweet! What an adorable little guy. And how fun that the people on the plane helped you celebrate!

Ming said...

He's just beautiful! Congrats on another little grandbaby! And way to go Michelle...9.5 pounds is impressive!

sara cardon said...

CONGRATS!!! He is beautiful and Michelle looks so good!!

The Allens said...

Kay, I can't believe the striking similarities between my baby boys' newborn photos and Jaron's newborn pics here! I showed one to Justin, without telling him who it was, and he guessed that it was baby Benjamin. Jaron is a very lucky little guy to come to such a loving family and to have such a grandma as you!