Friday, April 15, 2011

Two Poems

Kristen and I have been cleaning out shelves and drawers and dejunking (It is SO wonderful to have the help!) Today, we found these two poems I wrote back when Kristen was two-year-old Krissy. As I remember, I wrote them to be entered in a Stake Relief Society contest where we were supposed to express our feelings about womanhood and motherhood. They didn't win then, and I'm sure they wouldn't win now. But they express tender feelings, so I timidly share them with you:
My Silent Poem
My heart screams with the yearning
To express these feelings
Of motherhood, love, and family.
They are there deep within
But the rest lacks talent.
Pearson or Poe I am not
but the feelings are no less intense.
As the sea is within the shell
They roar within my heart
And unless you are very close
You cannot hear.
(As I remember, I wrote this one when I was longing to replace our old, worn couch.)
"Krissy, come quick!
Look at this gorgeous sky!"
"Gorgeous!" she exclaims as she
stands on the much-worn couch,
peering out at the brilliant sunset.
Why spoil moments such as these
with a new couch
that must not be soiled
by little feet?


Joan Morris said...

Beautiful! I especially like the second one! Short, succinct, and so true. I think you should have won.

Pal & Hatty said...

Good job! You are a writer! Blogs, poems you do nice work! I would vote for you if I were on the selection committee!

Jessica said...

Thanks for sharing those! And I agree, you should have won. You're a great writer and I always look forward to reading your new blog posts.

sara cardon said...

Ditto. The second one especially resonates with me. I feel like that all the time-- I just need to enjoy the little moments we get as mothers!

Pam said...

Such sweet sentiments and so well stated! Fun to run on to long- forgotten little gems!

Ming said...

Perfectly said.