Monday, May 10, 2010

Most Memorable Mother's Day

No, it wasn't yesterday. At least I hope not. Yesterday wasn't my best day ever.
Mother's Day, 2001. Miyakonojo, Japan
Background: Ken served his mission in Fukuoka,Japan in the 70's. Over twenty-five years later, Kristen was called to Fukuoka, Japan- the same mission. We HAD to go pick her up from her mission in May, 2001. It was just too great an opportunity to pass up. It was a wonderful trip.
We were in Miyakonojo on Mother's Day. It was Kristen's last area. We met so many wonderful people there. Church was a cultural experience. Usually Japanese people are very soft-spoken, but their absolute joy at reuniting on Sunday morning makes them greet each other loudly. "Ohayo gozaimasu!", "Ohayo gozaimasu!" was shouted over and over. Sacrament meeting was first, then Sunday school and Relief Society . . .all in Japanese. I was touched that one of the sisters found the RS lesson in English and copied it for me, so I could follow along. After RS, the fun began. No one left. The RS room/ cultural hall/chapel was transformed into a banquet hall with tables and chairs. And, get this, the MEN made lunch for everyone. They did little prepared packages of noodles and sauce, but they did the work while the women visited. It literally brought tears to Ken's eyes to see the men prepare and then clean up. That is NOT Japanese culture. Women are subservient and do all of the domestic work in Japan. His experience twenty-five years before would have indicated this would NEVER happen in Japan, and yet here it was, happening. Watching Japanese men do dishes was tangible evidence of the change the gospel brings in people's lives. Turning from time-honored, but incorrect traditions, living as Christ teaches. Each sister was presented with a rose and me, with a glimpse into the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ . . .making for my most memorable Mother's Day.


Ming said...

That's an awesome story! That would make a fantastic Mother's Day. I'd forgotten Kristin served her mission there.

triciathomas said...

What a sweet story!! It's truly amazing the impact the gospel has on people!

Pal & Hatty said...

What a wonderful memory! I love reading your blog Kay!

Joan Morris said...

I can't believe it was 2001 when Kristen served her mission. It doesn't seem that long ago that you were there. Thanks for sharing your most memorable Mother's Day.