Thursday, March 18, 2010

When Will I Ever Learn?

Oh, how I hope I’m not muttering these words tonight with my head in my hands . . .as I’ve done for the last several years. Every year, when filling out my March Madness brackets, I have BYU winning in the first round, and every year, it’s the same thing: muttering and promising myself I won’t do it again. I even get people to promise me they won’t let me do it next year. But then it’s next year, and I have fresh hope, and I just can’t help myself. My loyalty and hope are just too strong. Sports commentators promise, “This is BYU’s year.” and “I’m going out on a limb to predict BYU will beat Kansas State.” Kansas State??? Aren't you ignoring the fact that we have to beat Florida first and we don’t win first rounds?. . . at least we haven’t for a very long time. I love you, Commentator Man. My sister Joan’s philosophy is to predict that we’ll lose, then she’s happy either way. But I think that’s only half happy either way. I prefer to have complete, ultimate elation and glory. Or if and when that proverbial limb breaks, that commentator and I will ride it down to crash in the fiery flames of loss. And when you find me in a pool of blood, you’ll see that my blood runs blue, and you’ll know I was true to my Cougars to the very end! Go Cougars!!!!!


Kristen Mackrory said...

Way to be loyal Cougar Blue. It paid off today! Go cougs!

Carina said...

Aaron wanted me to tell you congrats on being right this year! He watched the game today and was in suspense the whole time until their well deserved win. Go cougars!

James and Tricia Thomas said...

I actually cheer for BYU when they are not playing the U. Don't tell James! It was a great game! Hey I want your weekly Idol review back! I looked forward to it each week! Kay I am begging here!

sara cardon said...

You almost got your wish (about Kansas state that is)!! If only, if only...

Joan Morris said...

Being a Cougar fan is kind of like being a Cubs fan. Just ask Devin :) You just gotta keep loving them, win or lose.