Thursday, November 27, 2008
Count Your Many Blessings
I woke up this morning counting my blessings. Shonna challenged me to do so alphabetically (see her blog) so I'll attempt to do that now:
Atonement-appropriate that it starts with A so I can list it first- my greatest blessing
Autumn-my favorite season
Blogs- a fun, new addition to my life
Books- I've read some really good ones lately
Bed-man, I love my bed!
Book of Mormon
Christmas cards- I love this tradition
Conference talks- I'm a conference talk junkie- I love studying them
Camerons- Mark and Donna, for raising a good son
Car- I'm so thankful for our cars
Comments on blogs
Dates with my husband
Doctors- especially this year
Dishwasher- my automatic one
Dryer- I didn't have one for many years, I've never outgrown my gratitude for it.
Dad- I miss my Daddy
Energy- love it when I have it
Email- what a blessing this is in my life!
Family- immediate and extended
Friday nights- love our weekly dates
Football- the BYU variety
George W. Bush- no, I'm not kidding. The media has sold the country, the world, that he's been a terrible president- the cause of all our problems. I'm not buying what they're selling. Have there been any attacks on American soil since 911? I think he's a good, God-fearing man who's done the best he can in hard times. I hope history is kind to him.
Holy Ghost- my goal is His constant companionship
Home- my very favorite place on earth
Hymns- I study them and love them
Idol- American Idol- my favorite tv show
Ken- my 2nd greatest blessing (after the atonement)
Keynotes- my singing group. I love those ladies
Kissing grandchildren
Mackrorys- Mitch and Carolyn, for raising a fine son
Music- such an important part of my life
Movies- good ones
Mom- I miss my Mom
Neighbors- we have such good ones
Prayer- what a blessing to know we can talk to God and that He cares
Princes- Gary and Cynthia, for raising a fine son
Piano- probably my favorite earthly possession
Physical therapy
Quiet- not just all I could think of for Q. It really is something I greatly value
Really great family!
Rings- I love my rings
Sons-in-law: I have the three best in the world!
Summit- where I do my physical therapy. I love their pools
Teaching- one of my passions
Thoughtful kids!
United States of America
Very nice kids!
Voice students
Water- especially indoor running- what a blessing!
Wonderful kids!
X Rays- that show my knees are good
Yummy food
Zuper kids! (I hate zoos)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Tag, You're It!!!
Being a random person, I love randomness and chance. So, I love this tag from Brian to just look in certain picture folders and post whatever picture is there: the fourth picture in the fourth folder, the third picture in the third folder, and the 10th picture in the 10th folder. Then, I'm going to add the 16th picture in the 16th folder. This is going to be fun!
Oh, fun one! This is Michelle with her cousin, Stacy in their Indian costumes for folk dance.
Third picture in the third folder: Jared with baby Brielle
10th of the tenth folder: Blake's Grandparents, Brother and Sister Cameron, at Shonna and Blake's reception: such nice people!
16th picture of the 16th folder: Shonna in Nida, Lithuania eating soup. Ah, this brings back memories! We ran to get something to eat between the folk dance concerts. Notice the girl in the bikini outside behind Shonna. It was FREEZING cold out there- windy and cold. We were all miserable at that dinner wondering how she was surviving! (That's the Baltic Sea out there!)
Okay, now tag, you're it!!! It's really fun, try it!

Monday, November 17, 2008
Rise and Shout!!!
I stole this from Joan's blog, cuz I thought it was a great idea- as they approach the biggest game of the year! Everyone join in!!!! "Oh Rise and shout . . . Ra, ra, ra,ra,ra, Go Cougars!!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Stake Conference
This weekend was our stake conference. With Ken in the stake presidency, it is approached with much prayer,anticipation and thought. Ken was assigned to speak in the Saturday night session and the Sunday morning session this time. He did a great job. Last night he spoke on the importance of taking time to ponder. This morning he left his prepared notes to tell of a great experience he had on Labor Day at the Welfare Farm (so many people showed up to help they finally closed the gates and then drove around in a tractor BEGGING people to go home- not your usual welfare farm story!) Both meetings were great and the spirit strong. I was amazed at how well they were able to keep their composure, considering what happened:
We had a tragedy in our stake last night. As Ken and I arrived at the stake center about 6:30pm, a fire truck sped by going, we later learned, to the nearby high school. They were preparing to present the play, "Oklahoma" when a young man was fooling around and put the prop gun to his head and fired. It had a blank, but, I guess, at close range, it still can do a lot of damage. He is in our stake. His bishop was pulled from our meeting, telling him only that the young man had been shot. The stake president saw that happen and during the congregational song, went down to talk to the bishop's wife, who was very emotional. He then told Ken and had Ken ask the one giving the closing prayer to pray for the family. We later learned that the young man had died. They were going to life flight him, but he died on the way. I'm sure, besides the bereaved family, many students will need help and counseling. They locked down the school right after it happened, and interviewed the students who were there. The play was cancelled, and everyone sent home. Ken and the stake presidency spent this evening consoling the family. They have had an outpouring of love from their ward. Nearly 40 people showed up to clean their home, mow their lawn, wash their windows, clean out their fridge, etc. after stake conference this afternoon. The bishop called one or two to help, and within minutes, 40 showed up. The news stations are swarming their home. Friends have been there all day helping answer calls and taking care of the business.
Good things are happening in our stake. They've recently organized, with other stakes, a Spanish branch (hosted by us), a Samoan branch (hosted by Bloomington stake) and a special needs mutual (hosted by us). They had a great turnout. They've called wonderful individuals to serve in the YM and YW presidency, including three recently released bishops and our past stake RS president. Each member brings a friend to help. They started in a large meeting, then divided into groups for getting to know you games. Ken took some pictures of their first meeting:
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Pretending With Brielle
On Saturday morning, Ken and I tended Brielle and Nathan while their parent participated in intramural racquetball. Ken took Nathan for a walk outside, and I suddenly found myself being "dressed" for church by Brielle. She got me in a pretty dress, then buckled me in my chair in the car. She then climbed up on the rocking chair and drove us to church (really, really fast) She unbuckled herself, then came and got me and unbuckled me and instructed me to "hold her hand in the parking lot". We then went into church (in the dining room). We sat on the chairs and she mumbled stuff and shouted out "amen" I said, "Let's go to nursery" and she said, "We'll go to nursery in a little while. Right now we need to sing." So we sang "I Am a Child of God" and had the sacrament and had more mumbling and amen. We sang "Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeam" and she said a nice prayer. Then she said, "Let's go to nursery." She took my hand and led me to the kitchen where she pretended to open the door and let me in. She stood at the door and said, "You stay here and play with your friends. I am going to class and will be back to get you in a little while. Have fun, I love you." and off she headed to "class" in the living room. She climbed up on the couch and sat very quietly with her hands in her lap. So, I played nursery in the kitchen. I did "ring around the rosie" and shouted "Again" after each round. She would look over at me from the corner of her eye and smile. Pretty soon, she came to the "door", pretended to open it and asked if I needed to go potty. She took my hand and took me to the potty, then took me back to nursery. I told her I needed a snack, so she got me the Life cereal. I asked her for a bowl, and she said, "No, just have it on a napkin." I told her I wanted her to stay for snacks, so she did , then she played some games with me with the letters on her fridge. Soon thereafter our “game” was interrupted, but the role reversal was so fun. It's so fun to see what's in her little head!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Happiest Halloween!
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