Thursday, November 11, 2021

Post-Surgery Trips to the Temple

 We scheduled two trips to the temple about a month after Ken's surgery, but he just plain wasn't ready to go, so we had to cancel both of them.

I got online and found that all ordinances in Cedar City were booked through December.  But I kept checking back and I found a cancellation for an endowment for Friday, October 29th, so we signed up.  It was wonderful to be back in the temple, post-surgery.

Tradition has it that we eat at Chili's after attending the Cedar City temple.  We were both starved and had a delicious lunch/ dinner before heading back home.

As soon as we got home, I got online and found another opening a week later on November 5th for sealings.  I signed up.  We made the hour-long drive again.  We were able to finish up all of our sealings.  That is such a glorious feeling to do all the work for an ancestor.  There are few greater joys.  Other family members help us in this work and we are most grateful for them.  

We are so grateful, that despite the pandemic and limited temple opportunities, we are able to still do this marvelous work.  (I can't believe I am publishing this awful picture.  It was windy and sunny and I look just awful!)

1 comment:

Kristen Mackrory said...

You do not look awful! I love the picture. And sooo happy you were able to get appointments!