Sunday, August 5, 2018

The World Lost a True Hero

The world lost a true hero in July.  Brother Hendrik Ombach, a member of our ward, passed away.  Hank was from Holland.  When he was a young boy, during World War II, he and his family harbored a Jewish family in their home when Germany occupied Holland.  He was a kind, good man.  He was always meticulously dressed and had a big smile for everyone.

I led the music, and Ken spoke at Hank's funeral

One of our treasured possessions is a copy of the book Hank wrote about his experiences in German-occupied Holland.  He and his family were true heroes as they harbored a Jewish family in their home, keeping them safe for the duration of the war.  Hank's father admonished him to never tell anyone what they had done . . . and he didn't- not even his wife- for many years.  Not until the Jewish Yad Vashem contacted him.  He and his wife were flown to Israel where he was presented with an award for  his family's bravery.  After that, he, along with David Green, wrote the book.  It is honestly one of the best and most memorable books we have ever read.

We love Hank and his wife, Ginny.  We feel blessed to have known a true hero.

1 comment:

Pam said...

I would lve to read that book. Sounds as if he were a great man!