Thursday, February 9, 2017

Our First Cold

Ken joined the Japanese culture last week.  He wore a mask.  It is perfectly acceptable here to wear a germ mask.  People definitely wear them when they have a cold.  They wear them to prevent colds.  And they wear them for no reason at all.  It is just part of the culture and no one thinks anything of wearing a mask. 
But Ken wore one because he caught a cold.  It wasn't fun and he was pretty miserable for several days. 

But it made us realize how blessed we have been on this mission.  This is the first cold either of us have had in over a year.  We are grateful for that blessing . . and for Ken's return to health and work this week.  Now let me go and find some wood to knock on! 


Pam said...

Love the expression on his face with the raised eyebrows and big eyes! So glad you have both stayed so healthy, except for Ken's adventure with his tooth!

Pal & Hatty said...

I think those masks are a good idea! Hal and I both got the flu and it is one of those bugs that keeps coming back - I have had 4 bouts with it since I began on New Year's Day! I hope Ken is feeling better now and that you don't get it!!

Joan Morris said...

Ken looks pretty cute in his mask! I agree, I think wearing masks are a great idea and it sounds like they have helped keep you healthy for the past year!

Michelle said...

Sorry that Daddy got sick! That's no fun. Glad that he is feeling better. I hope that you don't get it! Yes, Americans need to adopt that part of Japanese culture. It's smart!

Kristen Mackrory said...

I hope you found some wood fast!!! What a blessing to have gone over a year without a cold.