Saturday, January 17, 2015


We had a wonderful Christmas.  My Keynote concert was on December 17th at the historic St. George Tabernacle.  We had a big crowd and it was fun to perform.
The Hinton family party was hosted by Melanie in her spacious apartment on December 22nd.  It ended up that only Melanie and Tiffani and her family were there from the "next" generation.  Thank you Melanie for a fun time.

Kid magnet Ken had fun playing with Rick and Tiffani's cute little ones.

Michelle and Brian and their family joined us on Christmas eve.  We were so excited for them to come.  

Christmas eve dinner
After dinner, we had our Christmas eve devotional and acted out the nativity.

Awesome angel!

Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus

Birthday cake for Jesus

Gabbi dove under the tree to retrieve Brian's Christmas eve gift that I accidentally put too far behind the tree.  She was the super hero!
Open one gift on Christmas eve.  On your mark, get set, go!


It looks like it's going to be a good one!!!

Santa did come!!

Can we come up yet?

Gifts from Grandpa and Grandma


My sister Joan made me this beautful quilt from vintage embroidered quilt blocks.
We had wonderful google chat calls with Camerons and Mackrorys as well and opened gifts to and from them.  Isn't technology grand?

Michelle and Brian gave us this fleece blanket with all ten of our beautiful grandchildren on it.  Now we can cuddle our grandchildren whenever we want, as Michelle said.  

Trying out the Ziggles at our tennis court.

And trying out the new bicycle

Twister was a big hit with Gabbi

Is there anything cuter than a baby smiling at his mama?  My baby smiling at her baby!
Thank you for coming Brian and Michelle and thank you to all for a wonderful Christmas!


Joan Morris said...

You did have a wonderful Christmas. I love the fleece blanket so you can cuddle all your grandkids. What a great idea!

Pam said...

What a wonderful Christmas! The angel pic made me laugh, the Keynotes WERE SO GOOD - we loved it, and the kids all looked so cute! I loved the last pic and your caption - so true!

Pam said...

Oh, and that was a mighty sweet Nativity scene and your new quilts are GORGEOUS!

Michelle said...

It is so fun to re-live all of it! You do such a great job of capturing life. Can I please just print out YOUR blog and call it my history?