Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My Favorite Things-Garlic Salt

It's been a long time since I posted a favorite thing. We both like it, but Ken is addicted to garlic salt. He LOVES it! I was recently gone for 5 weeks. I came home to find the garlic salt, not in the spice cabinet, but in a place of honor next to the salt and pepper on the table. He puts it on everything- well, nearly everything. We've tried different brands, but McCormick is his favorite. It's the most garlicky, I guess. Just before I left for Ohio, Ken and I stopped by the grocery store to pick up a few things. As we discussed what we needed, he sheepishly asked, "If I get a container of garlic salt for the office, does that mean I'm addicted?" I said yes. He bought it. So, now even the leftovers he takes to work can be sprinkled with this- one of his most favorite things!


Crystal said...

It sounds like you know how to cook! :D That's funny what Ken said! Hope you guys are doing great & enjoying summer time! Also, give us a holler if you guys need anything at all!

Michelle said...

Love the blog make-over, Mom! It is so summery and happy! You really can't go wrong with a little extra garlic salt. Too funny. I love your "favorite things" posts.

Shonna said...

So true! So daddy to buy one for the office as well. ;)

Anonymous said...

I consider myself a very good cook, however, even though I love garlic, I am getting very upset that my spouse seems to have to doctor everything I cook with garlic salt. I find it offensive and feel that he doesn't like my cooking. He's been doing this for 18 years and I'm frustrated! Enough already. there are other subtle flavours in cooking that he drowns out with the garlic salt.