Thursday, June 9, 2011

34 Weeks and Holding!

Shonna and Baby Lily are doing great. They are 34 weeks now. Shonna had a Dr. appt. this morning, and though she was slightly more dialated, the Dr. said she could get off bedrest- though still take it easy. Wahoo! I'm having fun with Caleb and cooking and being with sweet positive, Shonna and Busy Blake. It will be nice to be able to get out of the house a little more now she's allowed out of her cage. We still hope the baby doesn't come for a week or two, but she made it past the crucial 34 week point and everything from here on out is icing on the cake and helps insure a healthy baby and no NICU. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go make some "Knock You Naked Brownies" to celebrate.


Crystal said...

Yay! I'm so glad to hear that Lily will be healthy! That's great that you get to be there to help and spend time with them! I hope she has some fun and that her delivery goes smoothly! :)

Pam said...

So happy to hear the encouraging news about Shonna and Lily! What a difference you must be making being there. I don't know if you got my email a while back explaining our emergency help packing Stacy, and how sorry we were to miss the Keynote concert. we are tending two babes and 3 year old Jack this week while Mindy and Jeff are in Hawaii with Jeff's family and Rick and Jodie are at Lake Powell with Jodie's family.
Our Balladier reunion and concert were a once-in-a-lifetime experience I would love to share with you when you get back. Who knew persons "of a certain age" could give a full-on concert? Our love bond is stronger than ever.

Pal & Hatty said...

I am so glad to hear that Shonna and Lily are doing well! You have all been in our thoughts and prayers. I am sure Shonna and all of you are glad to be able to get out more these days!! Keep us posted!

Joan Morris said...

Great news! Go Shonna and Lily. I'm thinking those "Knock you naked brownies" must be doing the trick.

Carina said...

I'm so glad mom and baby are doing well. What a blessing that they are fine and that you are able to be there and help.

sara cardon said...

Whoa. Am I the only one who thinks "Knock You Naked" brownies sound a little wild when there's no explanation following?!? Hang in there BD!!

martha meyers said...

I'm glad Shonna and baby are doing well. The only other thing I have to say is I sure hope you post the recipe for "knock you naked brownies"!

Natalie Sue said...

Oh that is such good news!! I'm so happy to hear 34 weeks has come.. now almost 35? Hope all continues to go well! I've heard that eating foods high in magnesium helps to "prevent" premature labor. So foods like: almonds, cashews, spinach, black beans, artichokes, cornmeal, whole wheat... :) To name a few. Again, wishing her my best at an exciting time!!!

James and Tricia Thomas said...

So glad things are going well this time!!! You are such a blessing to be there and help them out!

Sarah said...

That's great news! Hopefully she'll hold on a little longer. And I think How Does She needs a Knock you Naked post. Whatever it is. The title alone will blow your caramel dip post out of the water.

Jessica said...

Yay that is great news!!! And now I'm wanting some of those brownies!!!